Saturday, November 12, 2016


Winner of the 2017 World Poetry Society's Poem of the Year............


In silence we become whole
We re-gather and re-energize ourselves
In solitude we re-unite with the universe
In in the spirit of peace, piety, and tranquility
We pledge our devotion to Thee
   - The Lunar Buddha

That we may draw both energy and serenity from the incomprehensible
beauty of creation all about us, renewing out dedication to the celestial
and the ethical via our fascination and connection to and with the inner galaxy,
the divinity within, the grand potentate.

Under the spell of the night sky
Inspired by the magic of real music
Behooved by an understanding of the universal
Surrounded by the miraculous and the magnificent
Awakened to the reality of a higher power
Regal and resplendent, beneficent and bountiful
Jubilant in the gleam and glee of a new awareness
The blessings are too many uncountable. Halleluhiah

In Silence, there is coherence, excellence, exuberance
In Solitude, there is virtue, veneration, elevation

That we may know and dream of the true intricacies and complexities of your vast dominion, leading us to a greater understanding and appreciation of the vast and infinite cosmic wherewithall. Immersed in the wonder and mystery Awakened to the glorious reality of almighty power Reminding us of our spiritual center Leading us to a new awareness of the grandeur and majesty of nature Bestowing us with an enhanced enriched sense of the omniscient, ever present Deity Abundant and flowing, magnificent and shining All our passions give to thee. Praise be given. That we, the curious, the thoughtful, resolve to reach out and into the unattainable, reveling in the unfathomable, while individualizing and personalizing the excellence of pure transcendental knowledge. In Solitude there is veneration, vitality, and sanity In Silence there is synchronicity, serenity, spirituality In solitude there is beauty, beatitude, and benevolence In Silence there is purity, perfection, purpose

Libretto The four books, written in cold, calculating solitude took the form of epic poetry in an unconventional, totally original, path breaking manner, thereby creating a unique, compelling form of literature, introducing a new synthesis of style and substance, based on a peek into the depths and mysteries of the subconscious universe. As the Oyster superceeded both the Nobel and Pulitzer in prestige, the popularity of exquisite, exceptional literature began to increase over the next two decades, reaffirming the theory that superior art, in this case, literature will always supplant all other less artistic forms of the written word. The oyster is awarded every other year to the work of art that best captures and expresses the magic of the night, that artfully embodies and elucidates the majesty and grandeur of nature. Reading from Isoseles, " The bulk of the three aforementioned manuscripts leave a legacy wrapped in mystery regarding both the origins and the process of becoming such a work of literary masterpiece . No other american author has yet exhibited such a rich wealth of zenetic insights and esoteric psychologies woven into the fabric of a non-traditional, abstruse philosophy. " A more energized and exacting analysis reveals another layer of multiple meanings, referring to another reality in the form of subtext, best described or explained by a Triumvirate of future, erudite philosophers in their collective vision of a reality understood best in states of altered consciousness. This would become the fountainhead for further, more exegetic inquiries into a much deeper understanding of mankind's best potentials, both evident and lurking, including the accomplishments of those who best understand the present state of mankind, in all its panorama of unusual inclinations and talents. In winning the Oyster, the tenets of a neopsychology were granted their incipience as a highly personalized transformation accompanied and followed a secondary metamorphosis occurred. actualizing in subrosa form and providing yet another uncharted pathway for the expressions of the much deeper, camera obscura mind of the savanti, i.e. the new cognoscenti. The second book, an ambitious leap into the conceptual, shows the insight and acumen of a musician who wrote, as opposed to a mere writer, a book replete with thematic variation, based on, where any given piece alludes to one prior or following, giving th whole work a coherence rarely seen in poetry additions. With so very little is known about the author, speculations ran amok, resulting in an uneven slough of misinformation, typically well off the mark. With the author's biographical material remaining sketchy at best, only a few provable facts came to light reach any degree of certainty. Reclusive and despised by the misbegotten masses, his interests ranged from exquisite literature to cats, astronomy, geography, new age music, communes and eccentric cinematica. Quoting Chiavenna, " Both history and destiny will decide for to whom supreme truth will be factored into the grand equation. They will attain enlightenment when the know the difference between truth and non truth, between essence and appearance, between music and noise, when they can feel the magic of the universe passing through them " In the ascent to the oyster, the transdimensional path to enlightenment * was given a new legitimacy, a new credence and legitimacy **, altering the time frame for an overdue wave of philosophical renaissance. The oyster is awarded every two years to the work of literature or music that best elucidates a revolutionary vision of the future as it captures both the beauty and power of the universe, thereby somehow predicting its own prestige and immortality. Again reading from Isoseles, " The third and fourth books, written in cold, calculating solitude took the form of epic poetry in a totally unconventional, path breaking manner, thereby creating a portal to possibility, all the while spawning a new circle of questions regarding the author's true motivations and inspirations. According to Celcius, " His masterworks, the result of a musician who wrote, as opposed to a writer who wrote, gave a wealth of new perspectives, depth, and and unconventional context. The implications of his writings are spiritually speaking, revolutionary," Using the devices of recondite fiction and colorful essay, the author produced four manuscripts, all expressing a rare exactitude and finesse amidst a context of sprawling ambivalence and ambiguity, all the while exhibiting a sense of both the understated and the bombastic, leaving an inscrutable literary labyrinth rife with cerebral puzzles and empyrean decor for the literati to dissect and deconstruct. Projected to win the celebrated International Prakaplana Award, the fourth book, ' Essayene', attaines the ultimate in the quest for and expression of dissociative literature or literary cubism. Celcius continues, " The most remarkable thing about the third and fourth books were the way he interweave various, yet related themes in and out of his art, teasing us with an array of motifs, both cinematic and musical, woven together with a sense of perfection creating a grand elaborate and intricate libretto, held together by a series of literary arias. "


Spurned by the spoils of society
Shunned and reviled by worst of the wayward herd
I arrive undaunted, unscathed, laughing

For thou hast wronged me
And in so doing, insulted a much higher authority
Setting into motion a series of most inauspicious events

Above me, crystals rotate, in compelling, almost bizarree patterns
Within me, lights flicker and dance about around my spiritual axis,
peaking near and about my ethereal, rainbow uplink
About me, melodies cavort and coalesce, turning into yet another
show of lights. Visions abound, telepaths await............

A hell is being created for those who dare to malign and vilify
the bespangled one; whose misshapen words and thoughts attempt to
degrade and denigrate his excellency with hideously misguided,
unforgiveble mistruths.

You will hear bells, you will feel the raw, unsettling energy of the untamed
universe. You will feel for one moment the wild and capricious power of the
cosmic wherewithall. You will experience the unnerving convergence of all synchronicities, allowing you to know in one moment, one horrifying,
sustained instant, the true abhorrent ignominy of your dishonest, deceitful ways.

Woe to thee who conspires to harm the his unassuming excellency,
Who conspire to defame and defile the illustrious one with such wretched lies
< and egregious blasphemies. The overseers are not pleased. All is not
well. An exorcism awaits..........

Neither unjust or unkind
Originating in the depths of my mind
Thy path be pure. Thy fate be sure
Thine wrath be mine!


Called to Witness
Ordained by twilight
Thine grace and mercy be among us
Thou art the end and beginning, the reason for everything

Lead us to natural altars
To a more organic relation to and reverence for Thee
Show us how to be and become our very best
Guide us to a higher ethic, to a unifying morality

That we may draw strength and inspiration from the uncontaminated beauty
of the universe, Renewing, without effort, our dedication to purity and perfection.
That we may both lessen our miseries and overcome our frailties via the ever present majesty
of the Almighty and it time jettison all distractions, deceptions, and misconceptions of the past.

With heads bowed,
In honor of that which is more than we are
Abundant and flowing, abounding and infinite
Behooved by a passion for truth
Discovering a higher purpose within the holy spirit
Awakening to the reality of the divine spark within each
Praise be given

Rapt in the awareness of a transcendent, omniscient Supreme Being
Regal and resplendent,  
Holy is that which elevates and illuminates
Dispersed among all of nature
Returning to be all things
Rejoice, all the riches are on the inside
Celebrate, you have eternity for free
Sing unto the heavens
God is with us
Our cup runneth over  

Lead us back to the original blessing
Grant to us the wisdom of a higher dimension
Guide us to a more lucid perspective on Thee

That we may be reborn in the awesome wonder and grandeur of Nature.
That we may better understand and appreciate the mystery and marvels of the
Universe, finding a lasting tranquility in the ineffable beauty, power, and glory of Creation.

Introspections II Looking inward, mind sees a carousel of nomadic impressions, compartmentalized for optimal apperception. facilitating comprehension of the big picture and reflecting both the puzzle and nexus of the master chord. As each enigma unfolds, actualizing in unveiling ruminations, thus poised in the cool night air, in amidst a swarm of voodoo, there to choose destiny, equidistant to challenge with eyes upon the void, serene in the comfort of stark contrast, elevating to shrine, the musicality of the transcendent altar. Given the chance to soar and sing, to fly in and out of alternate destinies, In the sleeping grandeur, they are known by their affections for music, In retreat, time's alternate essential mystery is revealed. Zen begins with imagination Zen is the immersion into the hallowed, powerful sounds of real music Zen is the moment silence overwhelms and transforms Zen creates, unknowingly, a robust cadre of new and beneficent paradigms Enhancing and enriching, elevating the human estate Below the intrapersonal horizon are tenets of the grand episteme, pathways to another less fickle and capricious existential purview, an unveling of the extraverted interiors, the portal to another stage based on the universal need for expression and understanding. Zen is the countermelody hiding within the exquisite, upbeat, inspiring sonata Zen is the spark, the flicker found at the epicenter of the invisible and elusive premise, the a fortiori arrival and assimilation of spiritual truths. Concordant to all the variables found within the grand epistme, each seeker of truth finds a wealth of resplendent correlations, all in agreement with the laws of change and balance, each comcomitant to the progressions of Yin. Zen is the thought, the apercu, the eureka most easily left to the subconscious. The welcomed exception to every staid rule Because of Zen, we evolve. Wu Wei. Looking further within, mind discovers itself, Finding a propensity toward truth in all forms Discovering a connection between the power of individuality and the remedy of unwanted deviations, thus enhancing an already exalted awareness of spiritual side of perception, the true scope and santctity of the musical and philosophical Mind. Those who live within the freedom of the Tao experience an unboudned joy and serenity, leading to a significant degree of contentment, thereby adhering to a more natural and or universal set of principles, all the while unknowingly developing and exhibiting a propensity toward essence, not appearance, substance not facade or illusion, discovering an ineffable, highly personalized pathway to genuine Enlightenment. Tathagata

Reasoning from the many to one,
whereupon meaning is derived from value
Focusing on that which is independent of fallacy underlying
Granting to the elusive overview that which is only true under certain conditions,
for certain people, at certain times.

The spaces indicate a cadre of obtuse explanations,
a cache of hypothetical motives and theories
a bevy of erudite variables hidden within a repository of
of translineal portals

Knowing now that the world is round, the inquiry shift its emphasis
altering the ratio of feasibility to plausibility
Granting validity to the flow of assumption
Merging the psychological with the philosophical
Bearing an anticipated surfeit of new paradigms

The intervals indicate a propensity for exactitude
A musicality inherent to and encoded in a circle of shibboleth
A bevy of formulas for an otherwise illusory happiness

Therefore the objective is to examine and explore the other side of conventional
nonsense, knowing moreover, that love, above all,  is vastly overrated, having no power
whatsoever to generate any reciprocity.



By grace begiven, stilled in the solemn quiet,
Content in resolve, numbing in the calm of completion
In perfect silence and solitude, we sit
Feeling nothing, knowing nothing
Gazing upward for one last, long look
On this, the culmination of our purpose
The first night of forever
Empy, aloof, inhuman, silent
On this, our last night on earth

Other Literary Gems
Future Reflective

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