Sunday, December 31, 2017


The first book, written 40 years earstwhile, with 20 pages missing
due to unforeseen circumstances. Who knows, maybe there is a way to find the missing
Onward to the show



I've surrendered to too many sunsets
Melting into rebirth, into unity untold
I fly where wings are superfluous
The unpaintable colors leave me saturated with awe
Drifting, swirling, falling as I soar higher
Movement appears, all in cycles, all perpetual
But something else about me now
Elusive, grandiose and transcendent

Another sunset, another dream
Again I embrace what others only touch
Filled with a transformative sense of inspiration
Closer and closer to the Creator of this celestial art
Drifting, swirling, melting, deeper with the movement
Pulled further into the magical silence
On the precipice of becoming something other

Something about me,
Somehow linked to, emanating from the incredible radiance
Abounding and overrunning
Reminding me of Eternity
Somehow tying everything into One

Indeed, something about me I cannot ascertain
Something too beautiful for words
Forever impossible to explain


Two Men

A man engrossed in thought
Another too verbose to even think
While a growing mind is taking in all
The talker's mind is destined to shrink

A man of serenity and gentleness
Always jumping in other people's shoes
While the noise machine blasts the helpless
Who by fate had no chance to choose

A man of peace and reason
Who wears no mask to disguise
While the bold speaker trys to sell his words
Never aware of all his lies

Inconspicuously lives the placid man
Who can appreciate without things owning his name
While the talker marchers over the meek
Grabbing in all to for his imagined fame

A man of servitude and contemplation
Accepting invisibility, but still knowing its pain
But the brazen orator prejudges and proclaims
While he sits on the throne of the vain

With envy, aggression, ambition, and scorn
A mind becomes defunkt and frozen
So damn his tongue and instead praise the man
Whose words are so carefully chosen


A West Wind

Distant dreams have vanished with time
Nature's reality now allows my life to rhyme
With the intoxicating greeness of this spring day
For it is the spring of my life, and spring it shall stay

Reverence for the greening life,
For the new warmth in the air
But an eerie sensation encircles me as a strange breeze curls though my hair
Mystery hovers over my arena of thought
As towering trees bend backwards
In ways they were not taught

For this is the land where the south winds reign
And this rare west wind leaves me devoid of winter's pain
A west wind, a strange wind and it returns today for me
For the west wind took my life's seed
And carried to the garden of serenity

The others, the masses were captured by the south wind's wrath
And planted in fields too banal and bare
Ambition, fear, and greed grew with their life
They now smile at the short, short lengh of their hair

Money machines are not happy people
For their brother is really their foe
Society's lost children are like barren yellow stalks
in a field where no mind can grow
But reside in the enchanted garden
Where beautiful people grow loving and free
Musicians, writers, and artitsts of all ilk abound
Blessed is their precious creativity

The trees bend backwards, the birds fly fast and high
What a strange and beautiful wind today
And I salute it with a thoughtful sigh

For I, like the west wind am just as rare and beautiful
in my own eyes that see
The rare so beautiful and beauty so rare
These words I hold forever sacredly



I hear laughter in the bushes as I wallow in the mud, sweating
Assiduously, I labor as the sun's day passes slowly,
And night falls and I collapse, embittered and still sweating

A pernicious puzzle, how incongruous are the pieces
Lifes a trial with no judges, the absurdity never ceases
How amazing that I toil, always facing every fight
While a rich man plays with children's puzzles
Never questioning which path is right

The snickerings drift southward and my back aches through the long week
Grandiose questions with no answers erupt
And my wallet's future looks so bleak
I can find no answers and devoid of any peace
I sweat, I toil, but I am losing the race
More laughter, and now from the east  

Who would place me here? Am I watched like a rat in a maze?
Though I love, I am alone, and my island grows larger with the days
Of my soul I am sure, for the injustice around is too real
A wheelchair, a deafman, they water my eyes
Life's table is set with no meal

How absurd and unreal, the chaotic and corrupted place
The masked men and their illusions of hope
I can feel no empathy for this vanity infested race

How horrendous is war and disease
Yet vital to the quell the sprawling mobs
Can be real, can nothing make sense?
Is is laughter, or instead a symphony of sobs

Yes, it is laughter, and now from the north
More hearty, ghoulish, and loud
Surrounded, I run down alleys not there
It rains, but there exists not a single cloud

A dream, a madman's fleeing, am I insane because I can now see
That this mundane life is a ludicrous joke
And the laughter is now inside me



   Sometimes I close my scholarly book and although the page was half finished,
I cast it aside to wait  
   Sometimes the dark clouds in my mind become too much, so I lay back and
breathe deep and try to forget that although I swim, I am drowning
   Sometimes I forget that there are clocks andvschedules and absurd laws
that leave me bewildered and bitter. I erase any notions of hierarchy or flags
of victory
  Sometimes I toss duty into the fire and welcome the serenity of apathy; work
becomes an addition to the list of four letter words
  And between that infinitesimal instant of what was and what might be, I leave
myself and walk into the fields or forest where I bathe myself in the crimson
sunset , merging with beauty in its purest form
    And a magic befalls me, my eyes shed the dust collected, seeing everything
so hidden from me in the routine life  
    And so I waltz with the lady in green, the birds above and the insects below
becomes wonders in themselves.  All life forms into one Entity and as I become
aware of myself, I too enter the LifeSphere

    Sometimes, I smile for no reason
    I am befriended by each and every tree
    What I see and feel can have no words
    All should know what it is to be free
   Sometimes, I forget that I own no fame
   Sometimes, I forget that the world is insane
   Sometimes, I just forget ..........



Like snowflakes falling
Your white lies never cease
Each one a special work of art
Each one a priceless piece

Of a monstrous layer of fluffy white snow
Of a massive pile of deceit
All coated with charm and sweet bogus smiles
Selling truths without a receipt

You strike an oblique chord in nature
Where bad is never discolored as good
You disharmonize with all that's natural
You worship the social word 'should'

You're a lovely two faced woman
You're the ridiculous social game
You both mutilate the often ugly truth
In my eyes, you're both the same

You call it tact and etiquette
But your fluffy white lies are growing old
I've had it wih all your perverse euphemisms
You'ld try to guise gravel as gold

I see you on your own social stage
Protecting your role with more fraudulous white
And the space falling becomes a flurious storm
That now totally obstructs truth from our sight

In surreptitious delight you masquerade all
You smile more than I could breathe
Your massive white drift proves the axiom true
That one you distort, you must then again deceive

So damn your snowy white world
I can't live with deception and disguise
I can't even see your smiling face anymore
You've been covered up by all your own lies



Pardon if I ask too many questions
I know its a world of telling
But my nature compels me to inquire into the mysteries
that enshroud God's celestial dwelling

Forgive me for again showing my cards
I know its a world of deception
But your games make me nauseous, so I'll keep on inquiring
Into the secrets of God's impossible conception

Excuse me if I so rudely doze off
But your sermon leaves me convinced of your disease
So I'll refrain from prognosis and continue the diagnosis
While I question the questions, if you please

Pardon again, I slip from unending fascination
I should grow up and instead turn to greed
But your wealth and status leave me empty
So I'll remain with nature's unwritten creed

So sorry if my indifference offends
But your ignornance can cause one to gag
Perhaps I should refrain from music and sunsets
And instead practice smiling and even learn how to brag

Forgive me now, but I grow weary of apologies
Instead of forgiveness, I only ask for your demise
Your wealth, power, status and power
All crumble into nothing before these prophetic eyes

So bow down before my obsequious grandiloquence
Your pointless existence reeks of blasphemous mutation
Glory to the future, to an world of inquiring
To that which reveals your inevitable dammnation



A world in transition,
the symptoms effervesce
Between the fascade and the essence,
The herd ignores the mess

A world of severed loves
With ancient laws that deplore
In transit emotion they erode their devotion
and twist the passion they cannot restore

Possessed by obcessions and obcessed with possessions
In circles they smile and think of things to say
A graveyard of questions evading their misconceptions
They answers breathe at night, suffocation with the day

By the parallax of the prism, defraction insues
and into transformation I now fall
Among placid refusions and starblessed resolutions
The priest appears to appall:

Idiots to my left, idiots to my right
Idiots so imbued with fear
that they fear their own heavenly light

Immune to reason, addicted to the past
The idiocy misleads the listless herd
In fear of a horned figment, they abstain and abuse
and revere the absurdity of their own so sacred word

Oblivious to their causes
They disclaim the lessons of a 1001 pagan nights
Irreverent of the essential truths
They disort the lessons we have in our sights

Removed from fortuitious happenstance
that undermines all they cannot see
They exalt the superficial and turn fear into ritual
as they surround me and force me to flee

Tyranny in transformation
Mutation in the seed
On the altar of Reason, the oyster voltage destroys
The rancid idiocy that will neither see nor heed


On My Deathbed

So here I lie on this deathbed so white
My breath grows shallow as death picks a fight
I caress the few hours that hang by a thread
And drift back to younger days when I laughed at the dead

A young man so virile, how I sampled all in sight
But the years flew by and so I waved good bye to a spirit so free and light
And a grey cage did I don as dusk appeared in the west
My death became a living reality and fear and unwelcomed guest

Fear of what, I would ask myself as I walked the woods at night
The is only the beginning of a new life beyond our sight
And like an omen, a mourning dove lit upon a nearby tree
His melodious song somehow symbolizing my newborn tranquility

And so here I lie in peace with with darkness slowly creeping
The tears, the sneers, the fruitless years all lay quietly sleeping
How my eyes glow with wisdom as I finally erase all the pain
For although we preach dignity, we are still so pretentious and vain

Secretly I smile and chuckle inside, but the tearful faces do not see
That although death is staring, sweet peace is raining on me
The flowers wilt, the silent laughter receeds, and I feel my time is near
The night has fallen, my fate I accept, as a noise outside catches my ear

The mourning dove lites down upon my window, eyes meet, together we nod
He flys, I die, I kiss the sky, my soul is now with God


Celebration Of The Seven

In cognizance and sobriety, the seance begins
From elliptical seasons, we name the time to pay
In humble insignificance, we salute the flowing precious
From seaweed to steel, we stop for the last days of May

On the first, we remember the eons that have passed
And bow down humbled by the awareness of Time's old age
Consequently, our lives fly into focus
And we celebrate the music that ties us to everything that defies time.

On the second, we remember those who have passed on
And dream and wonder of what and where they now are
Consequently, our lives fly into sharper focus, into the present tense
And we celebrate eternity and the fact that we are aware

On the third, we meet by the Sea
And in silence are refueled by the awesome beauty
A storm moving in, we celebrate the nameless forces that spiral and swirl
We wrestle with logic, then concede to the incomprehensible
We then celebrate mystery, all that defies our limited human minds

On the fourth, we forget all but the Self
And celebrate the awareness of Dharma
The universal principles that govern the expanded self
The impermanence of the cosmos, the laws of natural change

On the fifth, we look below and to the chaos and disharmony
And we celebrate the better times of a far distant future
Our lives fly into a deeper focus, we see ourselves apart from time
On the firth, we remember the Future, the place we hold
Consequently, we are at peace, we revel in our serenity
Our compassion finds a place

On the sixth, we look to those we love
And imagine our lives without,
Without the balancing emotion
We then celebrate those we hold precious
We celebrate the fact that we are human, that we can feel
Into proper focus, we see ourselves in balance

On the seventh, the hallowed seventh, we celebrate laughter
We look at the absurdity, at the times we could not laugh
And then we remember laughter
On this seventh, we look again in to the mystery, the questions,
the paradoxes, the paradox of the paradox
And laugh at it all, as was meant to be
As music reveals to those who see

In cognizance and sobriety, the seance ends
With eyes to the stars, the oysters return to their normal day
In the name of the future, we celebrate our awareness
In the name of the Seven, we celebrate the last days of May



All things in moderation,
Thus spoke Abraxas

A sunset to the east,
What planet is this?
May I see your calendar?
Do you believe in.........

The Ascendent begins his journey
The lights dim and flicker,
Melting into a distant ovation
Mysteries multiply by the minute
The geometric anagrams simplify the complexity
I fly back to my homeland......

Chaos, corruption, ignorance and fear
I read from the Upanishads and mount the headphones
I rise above and escape in the Self

Another day, another prayer for mankind
I breathe deeply and walk into Nature's earthly heaven
An angelic stillness,
Those who deny his existence must be imbicles
An ambrosaic silence,
Those who are too aware appear to be imbiciles

To show someone beauty,
Its all the artist asks
To show someone the God within
Its all we ask, its all I ask

Beauty my cause for indecision
Causality the nexus of the game
Music my favorite religion
Transcendence my only claim to fame



So this be compensation. Emerson's words ring out
Yet his introspective genius only touched the surface
The superior must suffer - by the laws of compensation

I have so little left to learn
Only things to unlearn
Though I am different
The social conditioning so difficult to escape
Alteration the key

In solitude I find myself
Fragmented, in dispersion, myself
The images rotate, thoughts solidify
and I fall into cold reason

A power from within
I destroy all possibilities of a devil
and feel rising power
I glorify it and harmlessly call it lucifer, light giver

The music softens, the chill bumps begin
My prayers shall be answered, partially by myself
The selves rotate, refraction
A voice rises from within and whispers,
  " God revealed through Absurdity "
  " All postulates only subconscious comparisons"
  " Buddhism just another word for Intelligence "
  " Resilience the key to stability "
  " Mankind's predicament revealed by the Sphinx "
  " Compensation the check on artistic tyranny "

I awaken from fantasy
The music crescendos, then falls
I stabilize and walk into public
Reprehensible and refurbished - a holistic one
The rotations continue and hide in abstraction

Weakend and tarnished, I return to the castle of my Mind
and read from the Gospel, according to Nietzsche, Kant, Rousseau and Voltaire
Inspired, I envision and more compatible world
and listen to the Gospel, according to Rush, Kansas, Judas Priest and Nektar
Translucent harmonies wail in molecular interaction
The hemispheres synchronize into euphonious abstraction
   Another voice rises, submission, submission
   Caress me Lucifer, in the name of perpetual refraction



    I am alone on a bridge without rails; there is the roar of water moving beneath
    Deja Vu? .......
How is it that I walk again over this bridge?
A mighty gust of wind attempts to throw me into the turbulence below,
but somehow I withstand its onslaught....
  These bridges, are they but a dream, from one to another, this one stands longer,
  possibly unending.............
  The night cannot be any darker, a storm from the south, so I walk faster.........
To what I do not know. Fear begins............of what ?
From land to land I trek my life away, yet I am always over this perilous river
running underneath,
Why can't  I not stop to rest and reflect, something or someone always pushing
me to walk on and when land appears, I celebrate, but only for a few seconds and
then am again teleported to another bridge, different yet the same railess bridge,
the same eerie night...........
Another bridge, another transition, no rails, only the roaring water below....
Past to there no present? Is it hidden in mystery or contained in
undiscovered scrolls not meant for mortal man to read and decipher.......
    I pass from nothing to something .....
    Or from nothing to nothing.................

The storm swells, the wind toys with me and my path becomes irregular, thus
I hasten my pace. Who orders this storm ???
   Should I run? When I slow, the wicked, shouting gusts carry me to the edge,
   and I fall off................

Another bridge, another transition, unending, railess, will these ever cease.
Cannot I just be?
The roaring below becomes deafening, the serpentine currents seem to form patterns,
secret messages below, secret treaties between the bridge and the rushing water........
I walk on............dazed..............suds below, how many lives has the railless bridge taken?
The meek, the weak fall off so easily..................

Treacherous these endless bridges, the railless transitions
I must be strong...........
   But why so many, why cannot I rest........
   Be it from something to something
   Or something to nothing
          LIfe rules the game
          My life can never stay the same
          Life is transitions, transitions, transitions.........


The Quiet Man

Like a soothing song, no words to impair
Like an exquisite bare tree in an orchard of fools
Like a smooth stream of slithering blue glass
Inconspicuously, distantly, silently lives the quiet man, the shy man

His sublime silence radiates a valued tranquility
But inside lives more a more significant serenity
Not a fluent as the salesman
Not as glib as the life of the party
He carries on

At times, a voice rises from within
Inspiring him to vocalize as a the bravest of all
But the pious, the meager man prevails
Again, no words, or few at best are aired

But the quiet man is a special man
A jewel among unruly mouths
Mouths that pollute every welcomed silence
The quiet man imparts without words
The syntax held deep within his eyes

Approaching again the proud faces
He questions the meaningless garble, the ever present gibberish
Pressure mounts, to join the noise,
Transforming into a flowing sentence, perched for delivery
Waiting, then nothing, for silence lives again,
How many more agains...............

So lives the quiet man, the shy man



Analyzing everything,
 he somehow tolerates antoher night of lonliness
Analyzing what's been analyzed,
  he slowly retreats into a closed world of Thought

A thinker supreme,
 feelings dissolve from over-thought
Receeding from the masses, he looks back and scorns
 their social frivolity makes no sense

Blessed, blessed? with uncanny reason
  accursed with a lackluster shell
Caught in a world of appearances
  he analyzes his possible ugliness to no end

Wallowing in his withdrawn world
 tortured by the the ladies who will not look
He retreats into a religion of logic
 confusion seeping from his recycled reasoning

With mirrors becoming enemies
  he wilts from another date with depair
Aware of everything, inhibited by everything
 he looks upward, conceeding to the injustice

Ostracized by the smiling crowds
 his waning passions flicker on in fantasy
Analyzing the methods for analyzing
  he spirals into a living hell

Too honest to play the dating games
 Too aware of his appearance, his shell
Trapped by his own sterile world
and his inability to quit thinking
 He lives only to analyze the misfortune

You can feel his sadness, so easy to spot
 His timid nature overwhelms when he can least afford
Comparing, contrasting, categorizing, withdrawing
 Disharmony and imblance rule,
 His precious logic blows out of control

Thus a tomb appears with an inspscription from the heart
The solitary life spills over, the sentiments flow
The fate of history's artists, madmen, and prophets
reduced to these few words

" Pity the man who thinks before every act
 God save his tortured mind if his shell does not attract


Mein Kampf

In summation, I am symphonic and synergistic
History flows on, I remain nameless
The subatomic rotates in symbiotic chaos

Introductions withstanding, I am emeraldine and eclectic
Double synthesizers wail
Nirvana remains hidden hidden to those so cluttered

I am inductive, ephemeral, and recalcitrant
As nature weeds out, so do I
The masses need their stupidity. Alpha. Delta. Insignia.

Above the horizon, thoughts roam free
Orchestrations oscillate and spiral
Observation becomes Inclination
A storm gathers strength, overtones invoke the seance

Reclaiming purpose by elevation and antithesis
Colors blend into the alexandrian motif
Arias honors the Code of Abraxas
In time, the pieces will create the puzzle
Synchronicity, modulation, elaboration, extrapolation.

Summarizing, I am immaculate and quintessential
Countermelodies ascend, time bends into space
My quest is to eradicate and elucidate
To manifest the aural circumference
To interpolate the missing exponential

Inverting the mirror,
Calm obscures the fury within
Below the energies seethe, a storm brews
A cataclysm waits, a grandiosity laments its irrelevance
A Bacchanal is in order. Prophecy is fulfilled.

Misunderstandings aside,
I am ego and instinct, process and realization
My mission is to expose the subconscious
My quest is audiophonic, translineal, inexaustive

Altered for creative exaltation    
Evolution then personalized.  Revolution. I am genius,
I am dementia.  I am the multiform personified.
Before I was a Mayan Priest gazing into the heavens
And before that a curious Neanderthal hiding in the moonlight

But to reiterate, I am vehement, voluminous, virtriolic
The music softens and slows
History flows both forward and backward
Memory molecules search for the appropriate catylyst
I bathe in the electrovalent etheria

My mission, to eradicate ignorance
To elucidate the composers dream
To recalibrate the psychotonic schemata,
the human equation.

Recalling the introduction,
Harmonies ascend into tonal majesty
Triple synthesizers wail, perpose aligns to nexus
Quadruple guitars elevate the geistlight to altar

Back in time to witness history's greatest transition
My quest is to introduce the messiah
Starsight, trajectory, telepathy.
The Messiah is Music  
Turn up the volume, the joke lives


Psalm 667

Now I lay me down to sleep
I pray these eyes are shut to keep
To remain forever frozen in decaying resplendence
To at last be free of all earthly dependence

I judiciously beg to never again awake
To perceive the misery that forces me to make
The nocturnal plea for my unexpected demise
This passionate quest to escape the lonliness and lies

Too passive to fight, so I choose to depart
To perhaps pass to another world that places mind over heart
To abnegate the futility, the madness, and the pain
To leave this doomed carcass and this mind they call insane

In the name of happiness, I now request my tomb
Freeing my spirit to re-enter the celetial womb
To pass into oblivion, to despair no more
To finally escape the existence I so irascibly deplore


Precious, you stand before me
A searcher in a world of believers
Apart from the revolving disorder
You retreat to find a tranquility so uncommon

Blessed by the laws of stillness
You love too much to succeed
Addicted to music and thus to the self
The beauty within you is beyond measure

Priceless, your perceptions poison the tyranny
A world in transition ignores the infinity you see
Divorced from the madness, thus closer to the Creator
Your azure knowledge is far beyond priceless

But the spirit of survival rises to be heard
A brazen voice that knows no justice
Those who inquire slowly fall victim
The chaos and cruelty the most real of all realities

The beauty, your intangible beauty remains hidden
The masses scorn and deplore what threatens
From the jungle to the city
The rules remain the same

Vexed, you now stand before me
Your celestial love crumbles into rubbish
The ideals, the serenity, the music in your thoughts
All becomes worthless from this higher perch

Amazing that I now pen these infected words
The once precious now totally devoid of any worth
Too far I've drifted to be able to damn
The worthless beauty that so softly walks this earth


I found him lurking deep inside
  A young boy so open and free
I found him in a summer night's magic
  The young boy that once was me

In a flash he leaped from my body
  And in consternation we stood eye to eye
The startling embodiment of my sunken memories
  The fragile beast so innocent and shy

For frozen minutes we stared in disbelief
  At one entity divided into two
He who looked into mirrors and asked why
  And I who now look and ask who

As I gazed into his unscarred eyes
  The forgotten faces rolled past like a dream
In shuddering delight, I felt the gleeful mirth
   Of the trickling brook now flowing a stream

In reflective joy I could not help but smile
  At the bemussled mop on his sun baked head
And then suddenly he began to laugh at me
  But then so solemly straightened and said

" When changes called, you left me standing
  As you blazed away from the clumsy, freckled clan
  Within weeks you were gone forever
  As you raced toward the mold of western man

  In a new world of marvelous pleasures
  You silently rejoiced at having said good bye
  But you suffered a great loss when you flew away
  For when you left you quit asking Why
  You now cringe when labeled a child
  That stinging word becomes a nagging foe
  But when you left, you left your imagination
  And without it, the creative currents can never flow
 Without the precious imagination of a child
 Your own mind will slowly cease to exist
 You become only a collection of other people's thoughts
 The rains of intelligence become but a fine mist

 In the name of glorious manhood
 Your inner feelings you must suppress
 You now live in fear of being yourself
 For a tearful face can never impress

 So caught in the frantic race for success
 You've forgotten what its like to play
 For without the rewards of a childish mind
 The happiness you've heard of will always slip away "

As he spoke these words my mind opened up
  And I understood the emptiness floating inside
I saw before me what I had so suddenly abandoned
 And what I had been forced to hide

Overwhelmed, I reached out to embrace him
   But he leaped back inside on reality's chime
Lost forever within my nameless spirit
   Lost forever in the nebulous abyss of time



Betrayed by my dreams
Astrayed by an anonymous reality
   I slowly fell into madness, only to discover a more
   haunting emptiness
And thus, winter arrived in may
leaving me enshrouded in confusion
and sentenced to a perpetual loneliness

Decaying from the encroaching madness
Drifting away to avoid the pain
Nauseous from a plastic world of illusions
   I began to run

With one listening to untold sermons
the Priest inside dissolved
Watching wants turn into needs
Searching in futility's name
   I began to create
   To revel in fantasy
   To imagine that which never solidifies
   to delude, in the name of happiness, my insipid world
And thus to again live in the frivolous doubt of death

Smiling, in now see you, in all your pomp and glory
   So absobed into the mob mentality
Oblivious to your spiritual essence, worthless in my wake
   You run from your own haunting emptiness

Caught in a quagmire of illusions,
  You live to impress......
  To succeed in a world of pure folly
Running from the pervasive falsity,
   You must feel superior to be equal
So driven by a creeping worthlessness
  You create your own illusion of importance
  Your image more sacred than your distant God
  Your imagined worth your only source of happiness

Thus happiness exists, whether delusory or real,
You with your almighty, deception riddled importance
And I with my flights into fantasy

So God pardon the madman's intrusion
I speak for those caught in their own created illusion
As happiness rules, each finds his own solution
Thus in the name of sanity, I now announce
To each his own Delusion


And the idiots shall inherit the earth................
For the meek are too feeble and the intelligent are too immobilized

To earch his own equinox
A thousand different people,
A thousand different galaxies....
And yet the idiots inflict their general rules for all
The excrement in the minds remains somehow hidden

Those who can act are compensated with pleasures
And those who cannot remain immobilized by absurdity
Pleasure takes many forms, the highest reserved for privacy
And does not exist, only pleasure
Those who give pleasure become an addiction
and those do not see this are considered lucky
For ignorance is bliss, infinite bliss

And happiness also does not exist
Only balance between pleasure and pain
Pain taking a myriad a forms
Balance remains supreme
Its significance only acknowleged by the Future

And thus appears the phenomenon of Difference
The multitudes of sheep and then those who are different
And the different feel the difference
and are labled as shy, timid, even quiet
Does shyness cause difference?
Or does difference cause shyness?
Those who are aware pay the price
The absurdity never ends

And from the flock of difference appears the artist
One who can see.......
One who sees so much he must express
For he sees the causes for imbalance
And thus, compassion becomes a motivation
From the many paradoxes he sees comes his own
Serious to ludicrous at any given moment
A psychological mutation, transcendent and alone

Tramplings, even footprints in the sky
Injustice appears and shocks all who see and feel it
As the most bitter of all revelations
Hence, the Idiots shall inherit the eart
For the meek are much too feeble and the intelligent will be leaving

A. Irrelevance

Stolen from future scriptures,
The rational and irrational meet in cerebral procreation
Thus bearing irrelevance
Thus exposing the infinite opaque paradoxes
That in turn obscures the crisis in the nexus

Refueled by the impalpable mysteries
The retrograde of causality infects as it heals
Distance appears for those who can use
Absorption disappears for those so absorbed

With secrets rescinding, the castles of logic begin to tilt
The Seven Spirals await their naming
The forces that lurk below caress their incoherence
The unbelievable stands naked in beguiling malfeasance

Focusing inward, ascension, ascension
I hear the incandescent incantations
Hinting only of their nebulous and irrelevant ramifications

Coming soon, Laughter, the award winning piece about futility

Onward to the SECOND BOOK
Third Book, Eyes To The Stars, a must read
Essayene, Book Four

Saturday, December 30, 2017


Elucidation Emeritus

A rare literary acheivement. Possibly the next best book of the late 20th century.
First would be.......Eyes To The Stars, by the same gifted Author.
Using the literary devices of musically inspired, recondite fiction and colorful essay,
the writer produces a thematic, interrelated, flowing collection of epic literature
unlike anything previously seen in the world of the written word.

Mind boggling and a must read for anyone with any compelling interest in the higher
self and its relation to the beauty and power of the Universe. A syllabus for the inspired mind.


Heralding the second beginning
The pen rises and demands life
Silent, dormant for years, it moves again

Be it baroque or abstruse
The evolving scanning found the other spectrum
The musical monolith was awakened
The merciful incantations of fate announce the
solar eclipse, the insects, the black magic

In a flash of subdued exuberance
A sound was heard, the pen was moved
Like that which signals and aligns to another me
The choral antipathy spiraled and jumped dimensions
I am the anti-matter, the symphonic undertow
The psychic quantum, the light of metallic karma

Dormant no more, the harmonies converge
The affinities of Shiva unveil the new age of flowers
Above and below, in a triad of celestial chords
The new masters have invoked the toltec interphase

I hear the dreaming overture
A force from within and without
It moves as it moves the prophecy
From the collected slothful sediment, layer by layer
The pen has heard the metal, now turn and face the slayer

Dark Meditations,
Silent Runumerations
Can Anti-matter sing one song?
Pen of Abraxas moves, neither right nor wrong
That which was still stirs once again
Attention watchers of the void
Praise and raise the pen



See the beauty in the chaos
See it sparkle and tilt on the edge of duality
See the movement in the stillness
See it perpetuate the dialectic interplay

Feel the poverty in the excess
And the sadness in the splendor
They occupy the same symbiotic explanation
They defy equivocation by concentric encampment

Hear the power in the pianissimo
The singular in the plural
Reminding us to see the latitude of co-valence
The oneness of the zodiac
The elusive gemini of every concept
And the enigmatic polarity of every ethereal construct

Sense the shifting in the permanence
The calm within the storm
Feel the dominance in submission
And hear the beauty in the power
That reminds us to see
The eternal light in the darkness above
The sublime and simple knowledge in the seeing thereof



The Stage was set
On this night, as on many before
They came walking
To observe, to witness again from the cliff
The noisy chaos and confusion of the village, the city
There they stood silent, tranquil, expressionless
Viewing the miserable human condition down below

On this star-filled night, they stood unnoticed
Observing down below, this one chapter of humanity
This one slice of existence as few do
Becalmed by a joyful resilience, they stood silent
And watched the degradation, the clamoring disorder below
The drama was there

With an unspoken passion for progress, for change
They stood silent, expressionless
Knowing the futility of the impassioned verbal
Pacified by the concessions to history, to destiny
Aware of how long it would take for the rancid disorder
and stagnation to run its course

On this night, as on many before
They had come to observe what they could not live with
To witness, at a distance, the impiety and deception
The alcoholic decadence and disharmony
Knowing too well how long it would take for mankind
to shut up and begin to think

With only a faint breeze and the sound of crickets to accompany,
They paused to reaffirm their communion with the quantum Spirit
With more to say than any volume could hold
They took one last, long look and then saying nothing
Turned and strode back to their humble, wooded homes
Aware of how long it would be until mankind
would discover, rediscover himself, his creator

As they disappeared into the darkened woods
A chilling ambiance descended onto the scene
As if one brief, fleeting moment from the future had been summoned

As if one distant niche had lost its way in time
From below the cliff, you could almost hear the bartender's final admonition

Last call for Silence
Last call for Silence
Last call was for Silence


Was it Aristotle or Aerosmith
Cycles decode the erudite signatori
The Oratoria inspires the Oracle
Art must entertain and instruct
The transcendental affinity may be plural.
Apostles of twilight, clarify the psychedelica

Was it Sousa or Santana
A strict feasibility therein
Art must exhilarate other artists
The path of the Enterprise touched the Stratavarius within
The composer invokes the most inexorable theory
The listener was conscience

A pronoun in the attic
In crypt, a carnival of teleology
The vicissitudes of inhibition lay immersed
in the immortality of imperfection
The teacher was metaphysics

Was it Shakespeare or Saturn
Art must imitate its elusive essence
A repository of demonstrative impressions
A multiplicity of causes
Who will be the first to present the Opus Illuminatio
The elucidation of intensities and magnitudes
A significance crescendos
Awaken the Guardian

A running dialogue with perplexity
A shower of ambiance
Was it a storm or a symphony
Beauty in the eye, the mind's eye
Behold the invisible opulence
The subjective counterpoint, the eternal recurrence
The artist pacifies the semantic limitation
And envies the index of the intellectual

Was it Tull or Tchaikovsky
Was Edith Keeler a dream
Form or formless, a substrata of symbolism
The most intuitive wavelength submits to the tonal affectation
The intellect, by appreciation, gravitates to the artistic

A concomitant of sensuality, a nomenclature of self
Art a mirroring of precision
Let the content become the form
Art a reflection of social entropy
The great pool awaits
Or was it Bach's directive sensing Spock's perspective
Or both?

Without Music

Without music,
I would flounder in stagnation
Unable to compensate for what I see
My spirit would secumb to the injustice and corruption around me

Without music,
The scale inside would tip
The bitterness and frustration would seep in too easily
The front page, the noon rush would invade and poison

Without music,
I would be without the instructing wavelengths
Separated from all hope of enlightenment
I would lose contact with the divine
Thus sanity would soon flee

Music, sophisticated and sublime
You've come so far
Now on the threshold of becoming a religion
Some say you are the fruit
But in reality, you are the very tree
Without music,
I would be without myself
A candle with no no chance of flame,
A man invisibly wounded and lame
Without music, all things would become the same


As amazing as confusing,
I search for a god as elusive as he is silent
Like so many,
I search for goodness and order
Only to find rampant suffering and injustice
And slowly he moves away

Impeded and impaired by tradition,

I reach out for an absolute, an omnipotence,

an intervening divine providence
Only to find and more real and active power
in the hands of the greedy, the rich, the devious
And further he moves away

Astounded and alone,
I yearn for answers, one answer
The overly translated and re-interpreted good book
leaves me doubting and confused
How could any divine entity have any relation to such gibberish?
And even farther he moves away.........

Alone and dejected,
I find, without looking, an excess of stupidity and
hypocrisy within the evangelical masses
I resent their misguided scorn and prejudice
I remember the spiritual benevolence of the indian past

Despondent and bewildered,
I sit.......abandoned to the celestial absurdity
Thoroughly destitute of purpose and foundation
Lost in my own tormenting emptiness
I wait for a possible omen, a message from somewhere
In lugubrious silence, I sit, unable to see, feel, or communicate
with a power that was supposed to console me in moments of need

And much farther does he move away...........

But something catches my eye
A sunset to the west
Colors and feeling flood my senses
I sense an immortality to the inhuman beauty
I feel, as never before, a wordless amazement

Touched by the awesome splendor,
I hear the intoxicating sounds
A metallic symphony, a myriad of majestic tones
I begin to understand, I feel the inspiration

And gradually, slowly, he begins to return

A thunderstorm to the south,
Not passive like the sunset
I watch, captivated and enthralled,
I sense the power and the glory
Drawn into the awesome, animated fury
into he present tense,
I sense my spiritual essence
I sense a piece of the orchestrating presence

And closer he moves with increasing speed.....

Another night, another lesson
A star filled extravaganza, a masterpiece above
Wiser and more reverent, I now know what a see
I am at one with the universe
The intoxicating mystery and wonder is understood
I feel deep appreciation
The magic of this nocturnal spectacle reveals nature
to be his church

And much closer does he move and return.....

Revitalized and reborn,
I am made aware of the self, the inner dimension
I know from the music, the sunset, the storm that the
emotions must first pass through the intellect
I feel the beauty and the power
And I sense a most definite supremacy and design
I understand my purpose, my nexus
The reason for everything

Be it minutes, hours or decades
My search is possibly mankind's search

The biochemist sees, the astronomer knows
The eternal magnificence has returned, here joy flows
How lucky I am to have searched so long and then found
The grand creator of nature's perfection; In him we now abound


Misunderstood from inception
I gradually devine the answers to sanity

I harm no one
I consider it
An incoherent morality encumbers me

My subconscious is slowly eroding
Through masterful introspection
More and more is made conscious

Here in this web of esteemed paradox
I find identity in the scholarship of the times
I have broken the chains of cause and effect
There is reason in the madness

I baske in the spectral excellence
I see the graph within, the intelligentsia praecox
I sedate the ionized telepathy
The strains of a priestly ecologue accompany
I must be out of your mind

In spired by indolence amorphous
I awaken from a dream within a dream
A cashe of tidings, a corridor to the unopened
Hands move toward the virgin keys
Narcissus modeled the arabesque coincidence
The carolers came at halloween

By the blessings of limbic revelation
I pacify the guided misnomer
I defame no one
I gleefully ascend the star-lit stairway
The last rose initiates the calling drama

In the balance of ultimates
The honored gestalt anchors an unconscious momentum
The immovable force illuminates the signature of scorpius

An oratoria of infinite colors
A sensoria of parallels, of a beatific euphoria
The master commands the student to feel, to fly
To play in the key of ecstasy

Theology of Theta

A desert premonition
A revelation Abraxas
A vision of pure green
Vast and incoporea
and behind it a story, a text

It told of hasidic harmony
The synergy of yin/yang
A holography party that became a community seance
On the way to Ixtlan, the children of idiots saw the shadow of ethos

A soliloquy for the promise of affinities
A paradigm of chromatic obeisance
In emerald crypt, the naissance of the nagual resurfaced
from the clairvoyant ocean

A microcosm of indulgence
In the magic anonymous magic of dim twilight
The unbalanced witness and the nocturnal angel
saw the doll's house and the yellow light within

An earthrise through the morning mist
A shaman on the mountainside
communicating with the chlorophyll, the spiraling ions
He knows of the celebration, the celestial convergence
On their way to Ixtlan, the children of the triangle
were bathed in the melodies of Buddhism
The theology of Theata

By the running stream, a priestess in trance
Observing the vernal energy around her, and in front
a rich, edifying layer of pure green, and behind,
a text, another story known only in the depths of the universal mind


We, the few intelligent people, in order to form a more reasonable
musical, and perfect union, establish a real foundation for justice,
provide for the common sense and defense, promote the universal welfare,
and intellect, secure the unique blesings of psychological liberty to ourselves
and our posterity, do hereby ordain and establish this inspired and more perfect
Constitution for the people of the Americas and the World.

In order to see that these divine princples will be both valued and
observed, as well as incorporated and utilized, we will devote our
energies to education supreme and to the raising of consciousness;
we will insure genuine domestic tranquility and social justice by
promoting music, literacy, and the arts; we will provide for and benefit
from the general welfare by instilling a sense of harmony, intelligence,
and appreciation for nature; we will secure the blessings of freedom
by allowing enlightenment and individualism to flourish in the spirit
of communal cooperation. In the name of a more meaningful and
perfect world, we do ordain and establish these hallowed principles.
May justice, joy, and truth be known to all men.



Enamoured inscriptions and intertwined addictions
Face the scale of a thousand contradictions
From the immeasurable to the pleasurable
Scan the heavens and laugh away the inhibitions

Ebullient entities and modified amenities
Rescind the tide of neurotic osmosis
Centrifigal civilities with no plausible infinities
Applaud the wave of sensual hypnosis

A question of genius, a particle of light
A carousel of sound to exilarate the sight
Compelled by solstice to occipital mysteries
Unveil the visitations that sustain your histories

From synaptic extension to the implosion of illusion
Transference announces and ordains the diffusion
That insures the sensations that the species sees and hears
The wonderlust of angels, the honed timbre of the spheres


Psychology II

The minds senses futility
And changes direction unconsciously
The active mind is nurtured by accompaniment
In the atmosphere,
Truth is imagined, fallacy is easily discerned

The aware mind benefits from the intellectual emotions
Here the potential for excellence flourishes
The mind is connected to the social complex,
The plant life, the universe, the existential synapse

The reflective mind seeks order
And is impeded by the desultory stacking of information
Like papers and magazines stacked in heaps,
The items, the needed memories are not easily pulled
The childhood mind provides the perfect model
Where knowledge is stored in compartments, not stacks

The mind, by design, feasts off excitement
And suffers proportionally to the degree of boredom imposed
The complete mind ascends to a new specific gravity
And sees the panoramic grades of difference
The magnitudes of emotion
The levels, the intensities of similitude

The incomplete mind is confused by the overlapping dimensions
It must be angered in order to assert, to act
Here inhibition and external influence transact

The searching mind flirts with the relativity of values
Ethics the quickest was to misery, to incongruity

As an abstraction, an extension of the encephalon
The musical mind is pleased by the company of reason
And finds the mere presence of disharmony painful

The oceanic mind senses destiny
Yet ascribes to the challenge of free will
With intelligence, there is tranquil ambivalence
By purpose and sobriety, the superior mind excels and shines

The mind, when stilled, feels the power within
The emerging mind seeks clarity, a balance of categories
The complete mind reflects the symmetry of the macrocosm
And reaps the rewards of an enhanced awareness,
The supreme art, the science of thinking




I. Symbiosis

Distilled from the incandescent aftermath
Resurrected from the risidual acceleration
Happenstance reannounces its umbral majesty
As it renews the reality of fantasy, the primal motif

Blasting out of obscurity
The synodic incantations survey the utopian soundscape
The silent prophet appears, the masses abstain
From unconscious to subconscious, particle to wave
His message essays the enemy within, he disappears

Moving toward the fifth dimension
The secret doctrine detonates into interstellar overdrive
The guru's imagination colors its symbiotic octave
Revealing the empyrean abcissa, the transactional counterglow

Now nestled within the opus aquaticus
The glass bead quotient sublimates intact
As an overture to the gestalt opus
As an overtone emeritus to the eloquence of astronomy

From the thoilian web to the second concentric power
Auspicions  filter through a carnival of souls
Wisdom demands freedom, philosophy pleads insanity
The conductor takes his place

II. Emerson

Inside the empty church
The talent of the listener is liberated
Above the appositive perihelion
A beacon of pure genius shines through

Like the wisdom of a thousand compressed into one
His timeless ideas uplift the human condition

Unequaled by any mortal mind
His guess worth a multitude of sterile methods
His brilliance waits for another time, a new age

Conforming to Nature's theory alone
His art esteemed by a guiding radiance
Asking us to think aloud
To commune with the benefit of Creation

Like a song complete when it recycles to end
His words resound, his quest is realized

A phenomenologist supreme
His genius transcends the imperfect norm
By divine intellect, his professorship endures onward
To a universal subtext, to an astronomy of Mind

III. Gestalt

By seducing the precept of number
To connected parts expand their identity
A nondescript reality ensues

I see two, I hear three
I see three, I hear five
Tricking the senses, the continuum
The ensemble defracts the dubious reality
The Mind is held in jubilation

By breaking the laws of mathematics
The parts exceed the whole
The conditioned response submits
To a new awareness, to the psychoacoustical motif

I feel the strings, the keys at mind's reach
As the synergized synchronicity spirals
Into an unknown umbillical madness
Into an elegant violation of assumptive truth

IV. Dharma

Approaching the gates of ukiah
The pacific octave descends
Centering in the elliptical self
A pragmatic beauty ascends

I do, you do, there is no inclination to compare
Where harmony exists, no difference matters
The ordered mind attunes to the iron string
Tranquility assigns and vectors with the highest objective

Repelling discord, a discernable reliance flows
From oregon to windham hill, the kundalini amplifies
Ass the west absorbs, a cosmic guidance grows
Illumination, the prime directive of Hereclitus is realized

I see a face, there is immediate understanding
He shines, adhering to no foolish consistency
He is in dialogue with the forces that shape the world
There is no need to be me

Within the metallic thoughtopolis, the atman rejoices
Here there is harmony in diversity
Without ever intending, a common denominator is born
Destinies soar, the evanescent abcissa returns in phase

V. Entropy

In the transfer of an exponential sagacity
The general is lost in the specefic
Similitude dissolves into the transdimensional imperative

Transversing the infrared mirage
Brilliance is absorbed by the collective caprice
The fugue begins, the conductor spins
The gestalt assimilates the isolated thesis

As a corollary to the displaced equality
The protracted overtones nebulize into the intuitive resevoir
Time slows, the loaded dice fall
The chorus echoes the timeless, ascending emanations



Converted to and by abstraction
I live alone, at a distance
Those I know best I've yet to meet

Driven from madness to boredom
I langor in circuitous introspection
Aging one week for every day
I consult the ghost of Epicurus
And find the illusion of equilibrium unnerving

I remain on the fringes of dereliction
I am known only by my appearance
There is no reason to portray the essence
The neurotic multitudes are not worth the effot
the logos of existential dread condenses in their presence

Inspired by Vedic elegance
I redefine the role of affectation
I find in desolation an industrious nihlism
I quote only the listless
I remember the butchery at constantinople
The social schemata quivers from the lingering anxiety

In the reduction to illusory ingratitude
I give thanks for surviving that wretched, autumnal harvest
The modes of alienation may be infinite
The methods of conclusion become equally tiresome

At the reception, a negation of endorphins
The baroque inequality senses the refracted innocence
I decorate the rehearsing apprehension
I revel in a distorted symmetry
I remember the aspirins of my youth
To to terrace,

A ringing in the ear
The escaping subconscious evokes a prayerful fugue
A haunting serenity elevantes the peering abstraction
Grant me the weakness to harmonize with the ubiquitous uneasiness
Let me know when the world begins to relax

Until then, I remain anchored in distance
Entrenched in a vicarious determinism
I wait for the crystalline symphony
I sense the wake of the collective perturbation
I tremble at the thought of a more ambivalent equilibrium



For the thinker,
   All is connected, all is timeless
The spheres resound the exponential reply
Is the knowledge reciprocal?

A frame of reference,
A pilgrimage to the city of angels
   The evanescent coda becomes the medium
   The aesthetic paradigm reaffirms the universal corollary

But for whom what it writen?    
    The learned, the priestly, the man on the street?
    Surely not for all

For the expressor,
   The world is a whirlpool of relative absolutes
    The formless espouses the eclectic ambiguity

From the personal to the impossible
A forgotten passage from the Odyssey and the Idiocy
   The queiscent scribe hear the wistful, haunting oboe
   Articulating each emeraldine epiphany
   The prelude to the crystalline opus

But for whom was it written?
   The masses, the elite, the spirals of wica?

A thousand pages, a score of transcending logos
A question in perpetual translation
   They hear the words, but not the lyric
   The actor takes his place
   His lines more representative of reality than the phlebian chatter

In the exodus from the celtic reunion,
The empirical fantasy manifest in electric logrithms
   The trumpeter hears the thunder in the east
   The narration in the Dolman's tear

For the individual,
  The insight is a fortress from the attacking vernacular forces
  As the pragma of elegance retreats into the musical sanctuary

But really, for whom was it written?
   The learned, the listeners, the human equation?
   To whom is timeless aesthetic of value?
   To whom is the knowledge beneficial?


Age of Genius

Swirling through their infancies
The incarnations began
The time was right
God pointed his invisible finger to that northern island
and said ' Let the Renaissance Begin '
Never had the earth seen such an eruption of Art
Mankind, on the threshold of the musician's dream,
was awakened to sounds he had never before heard
The time was right, the first chord was struck
A new era was here

The musical explosion was almost too much
Society recoiled from the shift in consciousness
Never had so many artists reached the masses
All flowed into the new music
The guitar became in icon in itself
The exalted symbol of a cultural awakening
Mankind found new possibilities,
The windows of perception were cleansed

The induced raising of mind became accelerated
As if decades of teaching and revelation had been
Compacted into one overlapping decade
Mankind could now sense perfection
And feel, via musical transcendence, the power and
Glory held within each.
The incarnations continued,

The children of God were born anew
The electric guitar became the centerpiece of a new foundation
The airwaves gave guidance and purpose
The majestic artistry had found its destiny

There were no firsts
A vision by Pink Floyd, a layer of Deep Purple
A ride in the Led Zeppelin, a sermon by Jethro Tull
The forces of nature had waited so long to re-embrace humanity
The answer was a Question of Balance
An imperative from Uriah Heep
A  Mountain of metallic thunder, the ear became the eye
From the mystical darkness, a Black Sabbath
And from the clouds, the universal resonance – Yes

The glorious pangenesis included too many to name
The common thread was intelligence, genius
The spirit within and around grew by the day
The enlightenment, the Renaissance was here
The Age demands perspective
As an awakening unparalleled
A re-synchronization of the spheres
The mind of mind, the survival of the earth owes so much,
The brilliance, the genius still shines; The incarnations continue



See the expressionless child
What does she think?
What does she feel?

Go ahead and inquire
There is some chance of response

Her indifference may disturb
Her demure neutrality may even intrige
In a world so insistent on impressing its negative disposition
She has learned to resist, to insulate

Where is the joy, the playfullness we demand
What happened to the lessons of Dr. Seuss?
Her precocious silence should not express
itself so poignantly...........

Some say the values must change
Some say the thinking must must change
Other say that the feelings must first change
All agree that something must be done.........



Oh say can you see through the dawn's early light
The twisting of passions that so poison the night

And o say can you hear through the morning disgust
The slamming of emotions from the convoluted lust

Entrenched and entrapped by mere ceremony and ring
Now proving the wicked horror of cupid's errant sling

Erupting from nothing, consumed in cycles of blame
By evening we know the hateful embers will again enflame

Ensnared in romantic turmoil, entangled in a web of revenge
Helpless to break free from this doomed wreckage
By continuing to exacerbate the wrenching, woeful conflict
The weaken the self as well as the social whole

And o say do you believe by another daily plight
The insult to humanity by the vows they so blight

Oblivious to the reasons why to the alter they were led
With no hope of logic or repose, they choose to fight instead

From the ramparts we watch as another battle rages on
Ripping away from sanity, the forgotten promise of dawn

O wave on yon poor mangled banner, over the destruction and disgrace
Through the disharmony and bombardment of a union they so debase



I believe you
Your story is too unreal
Your distance is too sincere

Thus another season begins
Something has been lost
Time has taken the connecting veneer

Necessity may render a more attainable perfection
Too many variables have ravaged the absolute
In rearranging, you open doors as other close
Vulnerable to the new absurdity without that enabling disdain

They say the world is an unfigurable mystery
An enticing malediction,
Seeping from underneath into your internal dialogue
Assuming an insecurity that lives to influence decision

I sense within the breadth of your sensibilities
A surrender to the indignity of being unknown
An overlapping destiny emanates from your occultic poesia
As so tempted by the comfort of a derailing sagacity

I know, I can tell from your gaps in meaning
You have acclimated to the paradox of expectation
Our task is to retain a trust in synthesis

There is a value to the privacy you imagine
Years may give another path to that elusive vista
When you sleep, you tap into the great pool, the eternal reservoir
You become the vehicle for resolution
You silence the improbability of a waking repose

So be precious, through the shifting circumstance
Endure as you may, throughout the disjunctive uncertainty
As is, as was, as so gives……………

Anthropology II

Dogs sniffing and barking at one another
People gossiping over the phone
I see no difference
There is no difference

Sheep being led and herded
People filing into sunday service
I see no difference

A disturbed bee hive
A traumatized ant bed
Traffic at rush hour
I see no difference

Pigs in slop, in reverie
A discoteque on a drunken night
I see no difference

A blue jay raiding another's nest
An executive stalks and decides
They make their own rules
I see no difference

A bitch in heat
The unknown follow and grarwl
A saloon at closing time

Stray cats in the dumpsters
Wild dogs digging in the trash
Lawyers again digging for that certain loophole
I see no difference
There is no difference

The maiden selects the richest, they marry
The hooker aspires to be called
The banker deals and devours
The vultures circle their helpless prey
I see no difference
There is no difference


Nimbus Socialis

It was the best of times for the worst of the lot
The social equation mutated in a preponderance of conditioning
As the masses seccumbed,
Self Reliance became a cultural anomally
Deception and Deceit became a compulsory fashion

Nature is not pleased
The forum for change has been obscured
The common vision is lost in the social hypnosis
The scoundrel and charlatan prosper
The individual flounders in the illusion of opportunity
What a world……………….

Nature is now a forlorn spectator
Society now says what is right and wrong
They dare not recite the Walden sonnet
What would their friends think
They dare not attend the electric symphony
What would the neighbors say

Long ago, a circle was formed
Around the fire they felt the urge to belong,
Society was born
In bearskins they huddled and sought acceptance
To do as others, to think as others at the expense of the Self
The rules, the oblivion to the controlling beast has not changed

Nature is not pleased
Under the bloated cloud,
The individual finds his role being corrupted and redefined
The new contract has twisted the joy
The joy in sharing of each person’s special gift, talent
The negation of mind has gone too far

Quoting therefrom:
It begins with the individual
But I cannot ask the individual to change
Society must first change
Herein lies the gist of the problem; who changes first?

Grand nature, as an extension of the earthmind
Has been pushed to its limit
She is neither pleased with the politics of the monster
Nor the resulting villification of autonomy
Its not pretty when Nature has been insulted
When Nature, as an abstract manifestation of the collective individuality
Has had enough and decides to rectify the situation

Quoting again:
Its was the worst of times for the best of intentinos, the best of men
Under the massive cloud,
There is no freedom, no fellowship, only control
Something must be done,
The abnormal scope of conditioning has gone too far
Nature has been provoked, something will be done.


In a millennium of a moment
He found his creator, the other world

In seclusion and deep dark solitude
He found out how to fly -- freedom
His dreaming was spectacular

In a showering of Nirvana -- the all
  He knew who he was, what he was

With no verbal testimony
  He retained his impious and sinister image
Detached and brilliantly alone
  He knew of society's outrageous inversion

The candle glows in the darkness
   An expanding mandala
   An asterisk for Hesse
   A symphony and its angular momentum
   The holy spirit encompasses

In time, he became all things
And all things and forms knew him and his story

In the space between the moment and the process
  He stops to re-live the prehistorical apercu
  To experience the same enthralling mystery
  The communion had always been

From his Jungian sanctuary
  He noticed the indoctrinated swarm
  And wondered why the holy spirit avoided them so
  Why after so many sermons, they still could not get it
  Why they were so closely pursued by such a devil
  The density was pathetic, abhorrent, alien

In seclusion and purification
  He finds, he found the electric rapture
  The powers of tranquil unification
In the embrace of the other world
He discovered a separate reality
  A song to grace his soaring
  The moment in the day when the world seems to stop
  Let the magic begin...........



On an edict from Byzantium
A new concomitant is born

By reductive amplification
The secondary elucidates the primary
The overlapping dimensions isomerize
Into an inductive excercise in etiology

I have a theory
The theory is androgynous and editic
A constant matriculates through the telescopic conspectus

By associative demarcation
Supposition classifies the corresponding resultant
The auxillary abstracts into a valeditorian premise

The variables mutate
As an exogeric predicate of organic logic
As a dynamic inversion of the reticular schemata

In proportional condordance,
Reason codifies the transactional multiform
   As a vicarious consequence of Kant's unknowable
   As an qualitative deviate to the Cartesian reciprocal

Relative to the categorical diathesis
Experience isolates the most analytical paradigm
   As an operative variation of Hume's seqential probability
   As an unconditional integer of Bergson's eleatic juxtaposition

Above the conceptual enthymeme
An indelible dialectic emerges from the academy of amelioration
  As a common denominator to Spinoza's integrating equation
  As an eminent co-efficient to Wittgenstein's semantic determinant


The Purity of Zen

I lie in dreaming sleep
The subconscious theater defies the known motion of time
I awaken refreshed
Awareness of emotional trickery a construct of sagacity
I splash my face with water
The bermuda triangle a submerged pyramid
I open the window
Nature a designed interaction of eccentric frequencies
I prepare my meal
Destruction of self importance a key to intelligence
Raising my fork,
My manners reflect a methodical biochemical assimilation
I complete my clothing,
The particle senses the wave; a constellation within the quark
I straighten the area
Music the bridge between the physical and metaphysical
I pause to collect my thoughts
A moment of tranquility worth a thousand amenities
I close the door
The electric symphony a prelude to time travel
I enter the affronting maelstrom
A consistent sanity surrounds me
A more resilient serenity accompanies my day


Symposium (Secret Treatise)

A. Glossolalia

Speeding out beyond the asteroids, past the planets, into deep space
A tiny signal beams through the dark unknown
Like a valuable message floating at sea
The transmission is found, the script unfurls

Though the vast distance, the grand thesis begins
Flowing in cryptic andante, to be decoded
Hinting of the powerful complexity to come
Under the scalosian rubric, harmonies peel the witless facade

Extolling tht freedom to reason and imagine
Eching the sunjester's immortal soliloquy
Capturing and injecting the aesthetic equation
Known as truth to the power undeen, absorbing and emitting
Turning methodically into a career of evil precision

Submergin into the subliminal majesty
Swimming in arithmatic, the words gave pleasure without meaning
     Like on earth, they had listened and sung along in pure ecstasy
     Drawn into the sacred mystery by an unknown tongue
     Flowing through infinity's tears, becalmed by a cyclonic ethic
     Transduced into an ionized understanding as the hemispheres synchronize

Rising from the green pages, in honor of the precambrian sabbath
The underworld awakens to the aquatic mantra
From the depths of neptune, they hear the dreaming scroll
The bottled sounds swell, angling into subdominant orbit

B.  The Age of Flowers  

Through the quantum distance, an obscure knocking ushers
The script accelerates to its grinning secret
From the dark seepage, a compelling motion subsides
Beyond the midnight barrier, there were murmers in the knowledge

Engaging the cerebral physique, covering the ocular ascension
The warping calculations surrender, in praise of the yellow throne
By extra sensory photosynthesis, the frequencies appear
As the keys and strings merge, in domination, there would be time

   Transfered by the power of masterpiece
   Inspired to blossom into a world of metallum ponderosa
   Signifying the wizardry of these masters of the sixth sense
   From the chords of orion to the seven keys of halloween
   Reflecting the subatomic schemes, illuminating the italics of metal

Flying in the azure numerology, submitting to the prophetic mutation
Fearless in an altered state,  a power crescendos in the mirror
As an introduction to the symphonic catharsis
Suspended in the expanding silver tones,
fruition in the tyrannical current
Witnessing the phonetic bravura, the transmaniacal inception
Gliding throiugh the amazement into a a channeled apotheosis

Moving through the circuitry, an opening was found
An enlightenment, a new age of truth arose
As a vehicle for artistic rediscovery
The skies darken, the flora surrounds the logo
Sirens wail in celebration............implosion

C.  Equilibrium

Intrigued by the cerebral intensity of this rare find
A table was prepared to study this dynamic, epic text
To further analyze this holy synthesis of beauty and power
To convene in the name of intergalactic art

Resuming in energized syncopation
Setting the remaing continuity  by lofty metered cymbiosis
In stormy response to an obtrusive, nameless ignorance
Ringing in the conceptual, waiting with the crystalline eel, a surcease

Sensing the celestial ear, the grand trilogy begins
Activing the spiritual capacitors by uncanny emotive precision
Drawn into the telepathic sorcery of black blade
Expressing as an eleoquent medium the rhyme of the cosmic cerebellum

Encased in the bottled vibrations,
Lost in hermetic significance
Peerring into the unified multiplicity of the trigonometric egg
Hypnotized by the mystical ambivision of Rama Lexus
Moving to its harmonic equivalent, to a harvest of psychic infinity

    Slowing to the glorious depths of an ominous power surge
    A prayerful fugue hants the cinematic void
    Through the eerie ambience, an abandoned museum in ruin
    Emerging to the balcony, assuming their five positions
    In holographic trianglulation, in chiling anticipation
    Perched at the center of the Avatar's dream

D. Teleology

Exploding into majestic uncertainty
Mesmerized by the thudering presence of another self
Reborn into the magnificent grandeur, into an endorphin deluge
In cosmic celebration of a final justice for musical intelligence

Rippling through the photo-electric clairvoyance
Extending into an experimental transcendence,
Harnassing an the unknown fury
Transformed by a glimpse into the secret of the paradox
Flowing through the alchemic revelations, the metaphysical spiral

Held in incendiary amazement, lasers cross guitars
Activating the atman, freeing an imprisoned wisdom
With phasers on stun, the poisons vanish, the dilithium mind expands
The nocturnal intellect opens into a brainstorm of telepathic wonder
Reversing the injustice, in a laughing panorama of coherent cosmic emotion

Thrown into yet another dimension, floating in the awareness of space
Flying above reason into the circular, redeeming synthesis
Moving to the final frontier of a resonating fascination
Enthralled by the voice of truth, by emotional totality
Reincarnating into the revolving perfection of the universe

Propelled by an encounter with the reality of divine guidance
Dharma roams the tetrahedral winds, times dissolves
Centering in the nexus, in causality's eternal truth
Creshendoing through the illumination, into an ultimate catharsis
As a hymm to the stellar perspective, to the utopian vision, the void howls

   Moved by this inhuman testamonial to musical genius
   The origin had been tapped, they would investigate
   In honor of this discovery, this elite symposium, a stage was prepared

   Among the eons, in subspace hibernation
   Time stops, as past and future co-ignite
   They came from within, their calling a mysterious interphase
   They came from the Future, their only purpose to Amaze



I have wagered and wandered
I have measured subjectivity
I have seen what happens when the social psyche
is starved of artistic interpolation

To comely aquiesce,
and then startle with brave assertion
Who is this figment?

An impasse in the unconscious
Do they think as they speak?
The affecting anathema runs amuck
They hear not their own odious locutions
A moment of silent rage for the new wave of ignorance

In the beginning, there was motion and providence
The eloquence of nature harmonized with the
undulations of Karma
The swimming bacterium sought change in the mellifluous
ebbing sanity

In the lexicon of operatic hebephrenia
I have waned and wagered
I have enumerated amazement
I have reversed the chameleon antipathy
With any luck, the elite may learn to adapt

The phases of affection have learned to parallel
The descending pythagorean triad reflects the tide of intellection
The masters have internalized the polarity
The nectar reflects its bavarian hypothesis

In the beginning,
There were grunts and growls
I have both spoken and listened, to mostly nothing
They are the same reality
There is another, the Void
Vastly more beautiful and beneficial

A monastic intervention
Imbeded in the semantic verisimilitudes of fiction
The dreaming body surveys the oceans of Venus
The spirited vapors melt into the electric color
I internalize the fury, the primordial fugue

From the epicenter
I can see the blueprint for devolution
I have heard the thunder
And the frenzied rudiments of communication
I have measured and chronicled the essential variables
I have seen what happens when the laws of Nature decide to change



The best example is: Does anyone remember the music of america?
Can such forgetfullness go undocumented?
Who has orchestrated the elimination of beauty?
Was the return to Nature too much.............

Can you recall the sounds of Santana?
The "powers that be" have seen to that
The phenomena of intention raises its ugly head
The populace is now obcessed with appearance
The world is different. Ask any teacher...........

Sorry if you missed the 60's. There must be something with
which to compare. The world is different.
The return to nature, the celebration of music's spirit was
too much for the powers that be.

Is there a memory left for the Moody Blues?
Can anyone remember a trip down Toulouse Street?
Who has taken away the magic?
Who has altered the natural course of music, fashion, attitude?
Who is so powerful as to replace love and brotherhood with
twisted lying and avarice?
The phenomenon of intention has reared its ugly head
The fallacy of 'its what the public wants' protects and perpetuates
the invisible tyranny

The world is different
The words and music were too much a threat
A conspiracy was born by necessity and a battlefield was positioned
The slaughterings continue
Never before has such a vile, slandering force united in the name
of musical and spiritual annihilation
Never has such hateful power known such success
Scan the airwaves,
Find some beauty, some enlightenment
Its not there  -- by design

Sorry you missed or forgot the 70's
The collective consciousness has been ordered to change
The individual is a threat to the plan
With nothing to compare, the non inquisitive masses become the decaying
apple, the object of ruination for the new conspiracy
They feel no wonder, no majic, no truth or beauty
Was the amazement, the beauty, the evolution too much?

The bridge between the greening and the masses became to tangible,
too accessible
The wonderous mass raising of consciousness became by nature's
blessings, too much a threat
By promoting the liquid narcosis, they insure their success and
the inconspicuous suppression

Who has raided the airwaves?
Where are the cerebral, mystical and magical passages?
Where is the beatitude? The imaginative coherence that insued?
What is this new sound? This pre meditated garbage?

Can anyone remember the song for Woodstock? A California Dreaming?
Who could order forth such contrast, such vulgarity?
The powers have implemented the proper antithesis
The negation of memory

Who, in heaven's name, would not only desire, but dedicate their
cause to the programmed corruption of the children?
Its a well thought out scheme
Who do the children imitate?
What do they feel when they act out the conspiracy's wicked vision?
Have enough people noticed?
The powers that be have seen that you not......

The innocence was too much
It might have led to a more threatening beatitude
The masses now ridicule and gossip as never before
With nothing to inspire goodness and truth,
the programmed masses now refuel a more hideous social monster
The mass epidemic of lying is but the beginning

Does anyone remember their own musical moments?
Can anyone recall the freedom, the inspiration?
The soaring electric sounds you once held precious?
Nature's music is a powerful force
Who knows this best?
The powers that be hate you America, and have you in their grasp

Who has so molded the tastes, the thinking of the populace?
Who knows so well the link between fashion and self image?
The children are their next target
Their emptiness and discordance will blossom in the name of the
conspiracy's most vile directive

Such malevolence should not go unnoticed
The powers have become the media, the controller
Your puppet government is owned and controlled by..........
A moment of silence for the peacemakers that once had voice

The best example is:
Does anyone remember the spirit that was beginning to take root?
Can anyone recall one moment, one feeling from a time that so threatened
you know who?
Can anyone speak of that time, that return to nature without the instilled
ridicule and scorn?
The programming is complete. The vulgar stupidity that now bonds the wayward
masses has permeated even the most resilient
The phenomenon of Intent has raised its horrible, hideous head
The programming is complete
You've had a job done on you, America.  Don't forget it..........



Assuming a random excess of qualifying accuracy
With no clear frame of reference
Contigent on the deviating standard of a heriditary syllable
The options swell, the pawn watches the queen

Sweeping the scope of presumption
Re-enacting in order to elevate description
In fostering a heirarchy of exclusion
To a dependent, albeit departing code of inference, thus

Given the condition of an elusive, if not unknown causal factor
Where not one, but two causes must interact to produce
Combined into a principle of higher logic, a force manifests
Thereby solving the riddle of insufficiency
Acting together to produce the observed effect
Alone, neither can assert nor engender momentum

Running the gamut of relative absolutes
Fusing the general and the specific; in truth, function, and ethic
Rushed to the utility of an inexact linguistic paradigm

Given the predicament of an abnormal circumstance
One reacts logically, abnormally
In agreement, in normal accord with the situation
Being so, no further abnormality is created

Alloted a limitless array of limiting premises
Begging to differ with the end to the means, if and when,
Knowing the sequential extremes to a ramifying logomania, ergo

Given the condition of a stagnant, deleterious society
The individual waits, society waits
Dependent on the other, neither can initiate change
A third variable must enter and affect

Cross indexing against a vacant background of manipulations
In hypothetical agreement with the formal parameters of self evident truth
Centering in the epilogue, interlocking the vague details
Invariably yielding to an exemplary compensation

Between possibility and probability, in allegorical permutation
A changing analysis for an ever changing set of expectations
Diametrically presupposed to a reciprocating antithesis
Wavering the the prescriptive inequity of chimerean substitution

Given not the systemic stipulation of a free floating exponential
Moving through the barriers of categorical contingency
To an unconditional congruity with the latitude of an ever changing conclusion



A. Symphonies  (Chi)

Released from staid reason, restored in humble serenity
In contact with a spiritual reality
Circling everywhere and nowhere, inseperable and boundless
Permeating, in a glimmering shower of Anada

Merging with the universal flux, sensing the multiforms of Shiva
Attuned to the thrilling currents of Prana
Rising through the meridians, absorbing the vitamins in the air
Closer to the ineffable dynamics of nature's Kundalini

With eyes closed, one awakens to the raptures of the true self
One triumphs in the eternal glory of the atman
One cleanses in the esoteric harmonies of the dharmakaya

Living in the light, enveloped in the munificence of Yo
Above creed, illuminating the innocence of the pacific lotus
In unison with the alternating energies of vedic truth
Aglow in the subtle, expanding waves of theta

Wisdom is a appreciative knowledge of Nature's mystic power
Freedom is an inexpressible contact with one's spiritual abundance
Enlightenment is an awareness of interrrelated totality

In pleasing the self, each explores the chiming wilderness within
Held in tomorrow's moment, in anceitn dreams of mayan sagacity
Resonating as an instrument of cosmic perpose
Moving to a higher good
By love, devotion, and surrender to the supreme musician

II.  Ambiguity   (Fu)

Among and alone, one and many
Speaking softly, known and unknown
Anchored in the ebullient images of a dimension beyond
Reflecting the insightful beatitude of the crystal sutra

Amidst a sea of inhumanity, one learns the path of moderation
One becomes a conduit for nature's primary theory
In the spirit of compassion and decency
One may rejoice in the encompassing love of Vishnu

Living within, no where it is written
Similar, yet different
Beaming in the yogic depths of understanding
Guided unconsciously by the wisdom of insecurity
Reverent in the undeniable presence of Brahma

Knowing that intelligence is a coconsciousness with truth
Beauty that which magically touches the labyrinthine center
Reality an everchanging array of multifarious phenomena

Held within the mind's eye,  
A pebble in the master's hand
Joyfully detached from the thick web of compressed maya
Internalizing heaven's grandeur, seeing the order of Ho
Freed from the reactive, gripping wheel of samsara

Cultivating the essential, empowered by the present
As timeless as the Navajo sunset
Above and beyond the semantics of paradox
Radiating the luminous absurdity of Genero's world

In redefining the self, all becomes tathagata
Transcending division, distinguished by a speechless wonder
As grandiose as elusive, pointing to the universal sum
Fearing no contradiction, he speaks not, truth remains

III  Telepathy    (Yin)

Sparkling through the dark receeses
Not as man, but spirit
Attuned to the changin densities of the immaculate void
Altering the will,
Immersed in the formless momentum of tantric inversion

Down to earth, thus more real and mysterious
Purified in the eerie rapture of incorporeal communication
With eyes closed, photon meets photon
In synchronous affinity, thought adjoins thought

Wisdom is an awareness of omnipresent equilibrium
Enlightenment is a distinct understanding of cause and effect
Religion is a personal relationship with nature's glory

Looking across the Ganges into the enchanted Sierras
Tapping into the exquisite flow, aligning to another valence
In cinematic slumber, connecting to the etheric octets
In passive activity, receptive to a voyant impression

Vibrating through the electric air, hologram meets hologram
Engaging the jiva's frequencies, roaming the hymms of the heyoka
Thoughtful and supple, welcoming the unknown
Onward through the interiors into a bonafide meeting of minds

In adhering to the unforced, flowing sanity of Wu Wei
One assumes the lucid, guiding facility of his own Dharma
Stopping thought, one revels in and bows to the surrounding Nirvana
Submitting, with open mind, to the transcendent physics of the Tao

Out of silence, realized in the exactness of Zen awareness
Surveying the extraordinary marvels of the oceanic self
In private communion with the miraculous nature of the universe

Above doctrine, beyond analysis, the pages are deep within
Each in blissful contact with the ineffable reality of creation
Guided by the higher principles within the everpresent, ubiquitous circle
In celebration of a supernatural ambience, so holy it cannot be spoken of
Joyfully alive in the infinite serenity of the immaculate, omnipotent source



From this ivory spaceship
I control the interpersonal parallax
I follow the migration of unity

Here in this ordered sanctuary
I toy with the anomalous gravity
I slow the motion of time
As I prepare for the harmonic progression

From my magnificent laboratory
There is the demure scent of vanilla
As I synthesize my notations
There is an air of academic munificence
I am replete with convenience
From the coral garden to the obsidian control room
There is nothing but excellence
Both aesthetic and scientific

To prepare for the coronation of forces
I have rearranged the subdivisions, the pecking order
I have initiated the optimum directive
There is no responsibility
The power above has it

From the portal, I view the nebula
I can hear the oratoria, the overture
The precious memories come easily
The terra poetica, the age of flowers, the synergy of the green

As I descend unto the anthropomorphic
I pass the familiar hexacomb
I acknowledge the telepathy, the hanging man, the emperor

The vanilla mixes with the faint cinnamon
The florescence subsides, the doors open
By the power invested
They have come to adore not only the emperor,
But the manifestation of the Future
The logo appears, the coronation is here
The galactic orchestra begins its thunderous symphony



A. Negations

Foreshadowed by an abstruse antecedent
    Time creeps, time flys
    All is real, nothing is real
     There is happiness, there is unhappiness

Correlating the degrees of similitude
   Society evolves, society regresses
   Truth attracts, truth repels
   They know, they don't know

Shielded from determined selection

    Existence is fair, existence is unfair
    Meaning is everywhere, meaning is nowhere
    The self is important, the self is unimportant
Abstracting into ubiquitious particulars
    In the beginning, every word was an image
    Every sound was a symbol, every word was a thought
    The word was...........

Contrasting against the becleaved conjecture
   There is hope, there is no hope
    I am adamant, I am flexible
    I am perfect, I am imperfect
    The world makes sense. Nothing makes sense

B. Ramifications

Boring into acrreditive syncresis
Disgorged from the auxillary matriculant
Desisting from the tractate, escaping epitomes
Estimation begets association, bearing rumination
Assimilation, amelioration, inculcation, apellation

Anchored in the belated prolepsis
Directing the osmotic constant into the anointed dialectic
Asking by receiving, communication begets aggradization
Bearing elecution, resolution, edification, destination
Related in interaction, connected by interrelation
Reduced to the sequacious tenets of cybernetic interconnection
Discovered in the thematic undercurrents of a bicameral iconography

Giving veneration in clustered approximation, known without labels
Enumerating to dignify by deduction, into the art of definition
Addition, invention, attrition by omission
Incorporating the gregarious appositive within the collective vision

Remiss of the psychometric norm, moving to a higher station
Solidifying the most theocentric parameters
The queen watches the pawn, the ink absorbs the page
Bearing an immersion into paradox, ramifying into inversion
Guiding the synoptic translation of each anomalous emanation

The Purity of Zen

I lie in dreaming sleep
The subconscious theater defies the known motion of time
I awaken refreshed
Awareness of emotional trickery a construct of sagacity
I splash my face with water
The bermuda triangle a submerged pyramid
I open the window
Nature a designed interaction of eccentric frequencies
I prepare my meal
Destruction of self importance a key to intelligence
Raising my fork
My manners reflect a methodical biochemical assimilation
I complete my clothing,
The particle senses the wave; a constellation within the quark
I straighten the area
Music the bridge between the physical and metaphysical
I pause to collect my thoughts
A moment of tranquility worth a thousand amenities
I close the door
The electric symphony a prelude to time travel
I enter the affronting maelstrom
A consistent sanity surrounds me
A more resilient serenity accompanies my day


To enter by premonition
To hold the Maji's interest
   The camera eye sees, the emanations manifest
   along zanthic tones to a formula for Awareness

By consulting the nocturnal fountain
With hopen mind they proceeded to transpose
   Throughout the long haired odyssey
   To a point where the algebraic sobriquet dismounts
   To revel in the pre eminence of subconscious art

Self evident, by sonorous memory
Evidenced by the abaccus of Bacchus
   From Beetovan's burleque to Shakespeare's night in Singapore
   Te telepathic psychodrama authors a hexogonal treasury

Taken by the force of the Scorpion's halo
The exotic leatherwolf compels the inner rainbow
   The Iroquois observes the Egyptian holiday
   Finding thunder in the diamond
   Under the wiccan dome, where Abigail meets Melissa

After the oracular, the calendar became unreadable
Offering a celebration in the comet's wake
   The seven faces saw Dr. Lao
   The medallion moved, the typewriter became a harpsichord
   Gravity befell, the acolyte found the hand

In an elegy to the flight of the snow goose
The camel remembers the recycled future
   Given to shore leave, inside the photonic meagerie
   They lameted the missing oscillations
   Deprived by the wrath of a drunken scripture

Thereby enhanced by the a cinematic tale of power
The images perambulate through the percussive recurrence
   Frequencies engage the trivalent nexus
   Demeter reverses the trilingual polarity

From Leary to Lilly, by compendium abstract
  Flotating within the cyclonic karma
     Reveling in the somnium distantia of Lord Otis
        The brontosaurus eyes the eastern wing of Pegasus
             As celesius intensia dedicates the University of Europa

Gazing into the aesthetic equation, the mahabrata vines
  By clairvoyant osmosis via the silicon toccata
    Evolving to exit into the intuitive backwash
      Returning to complement the traveler's, world education
         Parlaying into in an intrinsic replica of the most eccletic ambition

________________________________ The Abberation Imperative

First one, then another
Then yet another changes for the worse
The same affliction, the same symptoms
With none of these can I no longer communicate
They all seem to have the same disorder
You know the colloquialism

What was once far is now encroaching
Social observations have become personal matters
Truth has lost its value
They hear no inspiring harmonies
How do you people get to be so tough, so important?

On my way to the market
I stopped to watch a familiar scene
This time they held their familiar stares a little longer
I was moved to silently scold:

You've really got it all together
You're so lovely with all that lipstick on
How red can it get?
You look like clown in a bankrupt circus
Who do you attract?
Those drunk enough to adore your cheapness
I see your group; your approach to hedonism is pathetic
Who designed your ridiculous clothing
Does that enhance your delusion of self importance?
What is your religion?
You're so wonderful, you beer breathed imposter of humanity
You seem so free, so complete when drunk
Can you do anything without alcohol?
I see your friends; their bravery is nothing but drunkeness

I now know what you're all about
You could not be any different from myself
Is there a person under all that makeup?
Can you say essence? Does the word blasphemy mean anything?
If you're human, then I'm not
You're know the colloquialism
Put on some more lipstick. Put it on your cerebellum, if it needs it

Please don't mistake my unspoken attack
You hated me before you first saw me
Your vulgar world is perfect for your kind
I see your priorities. I know what you value most
I know how much you LIE
You'ld love to see me go
But I think I'll stay, if for nothing than to see your
obscene, disgusting world crumble
Let the party begin ..........



Radiating around the clustered, lush foilage
The aura increases when benevolvent beings admire
A light out of the corner of the eye
Across the room, an object seems to jump out of hand
Downstairs, acoven of cats stare into the electric air
Fixed upon unknown phenomena

Concordant with nature
Passing through the nitrosphere
Interacting with a random frequency
Thoughts clear and bodies relax as a summer storm approaches
Uniting the primal and the priestly
Dispelling the fallacies of an illusory happiness

A moment of compelling rumination
The ear rings to tilt the head
Two prelexical wavelengths connect
Inside, the lights dim and flicker
Reacting to a disturbance in the psychosphere
On the film, an image from the past
On the tape, sounds without explanation
Reversing the suppostions of an outdated science

Beyond the conventional
The amber vibrates to its optimum resonance
The goard holds its ampered secret
The double helix vibrates to its etheric counterpart
The stem cracks, the leaf falls, a current is rerouted
Artifacts lie in musuems, with magnetic imprints intact
Awaiting a new technology,
The historian reaches for the eraser



Scaling the copper gates of Teleos
Held in the magic of the late, forbidden hours
Observing the silhouette of the gestalt
Intangible, in translation, to the dream form --

Peering into the preconscious oath
Centered in the extension of a sinsister concentration
Aloof in l'pouvoir de penses excentrique
Empowerd to personify within the incantations of saturn

To affirm the nature of eclectic definition
To reveal the methods of polyphonic persuation
By declaring the origins of Ovidian narration
Moved to extend the limits of subrosa description

Dreaming through the opaque reality
With cirrus calling, they playing in expression of genius
The owls sits, the quill strikes the alchemic timbre

By inference unseen, scattering through the contextual focus
Conceived in the communal purpose of the island mind
Recognized in the transference of an occultic bondadosa

With uncanny skills, they played in daring surrender
Esteeming the magnetic virtue of a supreme virtuosity
    Realized though the murky dreamscape
    The astronomer knows, the biochemist sees
    The applause is from within
    A footnote was found, re-enter the master plan

Though the octaves of the nocturnal promisa
Translating, in aquarian cadence, the theory of effluxes
A mastery of textured comprehension
Mirroring, filtering, as the sonatas of Horace and Pascal converge

Shinein in bronze obbligato, escaping the reclusive stanza
The fertile quill captures the emerald legacy
Intoning the regal chronicles of a lamplight apercu

Focusing on the rapture of the psychotropic paradigm
Etreatied to the science of the geometric epistles
Composing as a corollary to the oyster's speed of inhibition
Intersecting in the ambient overtones of zen transference

By defining the natural syncresis
To pursuade by incidental apodasis
To narrate the original prospectus
Moved to describe the trajectory of a inspiring excursus

Consumed in the animated still of night
They played in exceptional form
Defering the accolades to the wand of Abraxas
Invokink the magnificence of the subconscious continuum
Expressing the thrill and certitude of thine alabaster passage


The ideology has gone back underground
There is no reason to stay above
Beneath the subversion, truth cannot be tarnished
The ideology cannot be slandered and despised

Here in this solipcist aquifer
There is no pressure to assert, to defend
We can once again feel the fellowship
Here there is relief, the rest is needed

Below the disjointed vacuum
The ideas are free from controversy
The substance re-centers, the energy grows

Here where no ignorant ears can resist
Where no beauty can be so tainted
The subculture becomes more sharpened and profound

By choice, not push
The excellence has descended
To wait without waiting
To answer the future question:

What will they say happened in the seventies?
How could something so wonderful be stopped?
As money follows stupidity
So did misfortune follow wisdom
The enlightened were replaced
The glue, the network came apart
This is the equation, the forum dissolved

Yet the ideology remained
Those in power saw to destroy the threat
To associate beauty with protest
To defame and defile every construct
San Antonio could not alone sustain
The conspiracy and the stupidity was too much

Living underground, they suspect us not
With quietened voices and music soft, we are safe
The ideology revels in its inconspicuousness
A more sharpened and profound counterculture grows

Here in this divine substrata
In this consortium of brilliance
We can again dream with the music
Beat it, stomp it, you can't kill something so grand

Here below the wayward species
There is relief from the controversy
There is no pressure to resurface
The ideology beams and grows
There is much to be done............


Pollyanna Pejorative

Under the penumbra of a more photogenic appositive
Lurking in the residuum of our cold discontent
Ensconsed within the infexions of a wrathful society
Incholate within the ghostly pillars of society

Almost true, grading against a parenthetical demeanor
Predicated upon an isolated love for misconception
Advancing the asterisk, by anapest and strophe
Seductively distracting the intrasitive prerequisite

Enthroned by formal pretension to interpret rumor
Assuming the declinsions of an alliterative logic
Incumbent in the repetitive histrionics of a fourth person singular
Endearing the subjunctive tedium of a condescending therapy

Measured by the static conventions of a present morality
All was fine, suspende in a harem of opinion
The smile receded into a maze of imperfect suspicion
      Waxing in the locutions of an axiomatic monday
      There she became an adjective
      Releasing into flagellation, the promise of caprice

Witheld from the circumstantial imperative of a tactful frown
Having no derilections, by breach of misunderstanding
Drawing the ablative attentions into a mecurial idiom

Spinning the wheel, loosening the first impression
Optioning the objective implications of a reflexive ambiguity
Increasing our doubts without that umblemished countenance
Disconsolate in the desultory friction of a hardened world

Wandering into fallibility, construed as partial truth
In diffident subordination to what was said behind the curtain
Alll was not fine, thus the smile returned
Perfect in the shining duplicity of that blonde repartee

Allured into fastidious censure of a denatured crassitude
Spilling into the demonstrative comfort of subliminal flamboyance
Mediating the extremes, spreading to taint even the most sincere

Gleaming, she interrupts to correct, in camoflage rehearsed
Ostensibly to redeem, to connect our best and worst
Necessary in a world of crowded tensions
To charm and protect
Adored and despised as the specious epitome of the dominant connotation



Inside and outside the magical Circle
There was a new awareness;
On the way to the experiment, the forces pulled
Overcome and turned to red,
To dust divine, into the Tao, the rhapsody began;

To have and hold in perpetual tilt and balance
To secure and brace the infinite constructs;
To insist throughout the relative absolutes
The insight into, the certainty, the wonder of existence
The indomitable marvel of your world ;

With one move, one motion
By slight of hand and mind
We become, ;we know a thousand things at once
Beyond the tangible, He weaves together all the complexities,
The most bewildering variables;
Unifying all the most disparate parts
Giving coherence and comfort to the ontological labyrinth

From thesis to antithesis, ;via a surreal actuality
If to entertain and edify,
To delight the crowd
Apart and within, whereupon paradox feasts
Moved to speak from the nucleus br> Making the veil disappear.............
Bringing into view and mind, the miraculous
All for pleasure and purpose of the most ardent human quest to know


Lost Leaf

They had retired him to derogation
The lies had usurped his charisma
He loved the children
To hug and squeeze
To bless their every day

The lying had become too grotesque
Their corrupted, egregious folly had now impunged another
The children did not know
What was said about their favorite Geni

He lived to see them learn and play
His communication was invaluable
He had seen the power of lying
Reason was useless
The children missed him
His mistake was a trust in innocence, his innocence

The had retired him to suspicion
He would find another leaf
A corner where no lies could reach
He cared not to live in resentful malcontent
He would either forget or forgive

There would be no justice
The children would be different without him
There is no place for love, for freedom
In retreatr, he would often wonder
How many more would have to learn to ignore



A. Transcendence

Born of every emotion since time began
Of an entirity revealed
  As a culmination of artistic epitomes
  In exploding precision
  In celebration of the magnificence within each
Capturing the power of the thunderstorm
Affirming Nature's embrace

Traced to the multiple strings of India,
Appearing in Spanish chords
   Sustained in layered bagpipes,
   Echoing through the halls of Germany
   Reaching consumation in another level of experience
Ushering in, by genius decreed, a reverence for a higher ideal

Awkening from the common vision,
As a vehicle for spiritual change
   From the auquatic benefit to and adventure in the midnight equinox
   Gleaming in the Egyptian danza of Santana's nocturnal magic
Giving now, the missing piece that history's thinkers never knew

Forseen in a vision, as art's best instructs the mind
   From the captain's projection to the wizard's circle of hands
   Spaced for Aerosmith's offering, timing the warrior of St. Lizzicus
Energized into its sixth form, advancing now eith Saxon guitars

In the corner, the heavier metals gave sound, the corner glows
  Far ahead of its time, bearing an electrum of complexities
  Riding the winged tears of the dreamer's destination
In this, the crown jewel of man's acheivement, of all excellence attained

B. Visualizations

Propelled by beauty into an odyssey of the mind's eye
   Surrounded by the magnetic power of the awesome sounds
   I feel the depths of self, the unknowable upon me
Approaching the fifth station, I can see the legendary beginning

Upon the stage, amidst the hypnotic fury of supernatural forces
  At my feet, in panning delay, a chorus of searing distortion
  Purified in the overflow, swept into the motion of images
Expanding in the strobbing synergy, I am the best of each, I am loved

From the audience, I see another world before me
  Appearing through the holographic fog, emerging with chameleon guitars
  Exploding into the moving lights, I am filled with new emotion
I can see the new order, the intellection of glory, the rediscovery

Flying above the mundane, thunderstruck by the prophetic unity
  In spiritual rebirth, I have seen the christening of the green manilishi
  The results of four decades of artistic genius
Proliferating into Alexis Grand, ZenRaven, Hellfower, Transaurius

Moving beyond, inside the torrents of a magical force
  Inspired by revelations within,
  Onward through the barriers of conditioning
  I have seeen a song turn into a galaxy
  The stage turn into an Altar Call
  Opening into the reality of a present day Universitas Literarum

C. Subdominant Ninth

Binding purpose with genius, as if three songs moving within one
  In trance composed, where virtuosity and inspiration meet
  Hearing for the first time, layer on layer of furious finesse
Predicating itself into a grandiose pinnacle of polished perfection
Carried on a Deja Vu, finding the Butterfly's Metamorphosis
  Giving a northern anthem, reflecdting the timber of the hemispheres
  Empowerd by the centripital counterpoint of a jouney to the east
Heralding the innocent prediction in the mystery of Icarus

Transposed from the tonal mantras of Nature's tintinbulating unity
   By tapping into the interactive complexities of the electric self
   Relaying the quantum elements of the surrounding metal storm
Returning to the ear as the amplified sounds of an elite, dynamic reality

With one part answering another, emoting in technical sophistication
  Obliging the fate of the slayer's mercy, into the omen's arena
  Opening the musicologist's scroll, as a testament to so much talent
Signified by the thirds and fifths of their sonorous ministry

Reclaiming the lost chord, fustin morality, energy, and praise
  Structured from the particle's flow, mimiking the cosmic design
  Held in the sustained symmerty of empyrean vocals and whistling steel
Creating, echoing the truth, in this, the music of another present era

D. Method of the Messiah

Seen in its significance, here now in living history
  Taken by the force of the Scorpion, born to touch our feelings
  To uncover the telepathic treaties behind a havest of perspectives
Released by a glimpse into tht stringed temples of 2112

Fulfilling an epic vision, introduced by the Queen of the Rhyche
  Riding the lighting, to deify the cosmic horsemen
  Beyond the black questions, appearing a metallic steeple
Away from the wheels of confusion, closer to the spiral architect

Throwing chord on chord of grandiloquent sincerity
  Rising in a mountain of sound, forming a metal militia
  Awakened by passion's call, to the winged sadness of all
Sanctified in a midnight rendevous with quantum genius

As the prinmary link in the holy circle, receiving from the spiritual
  Giving to the listener, returning the flow back to its source
  Synchronized in the heavier lines of an eastern thunder
Flying, with aces high, in the theocratic speed of thir maiden hymms

Beyond measure, flodding the senses with trancedental visions
  Playing in the unique awareness of their momumental purpose
  Like galaxies on stage, reaching into a megalithic unity
Extending into space, by the will and wizardry of their special gift

Transfixed in the ultimate expression of the supreme art
  Riding in a cascade of electromagnetic rapture, transformed forever
  Inspired to dwell in the magical currents of his hallowed name
  Hearing the sounds of the priestly mast, asssuming the role of light
As a part of the universal dream, as a piece of his master's glory


I open the book and read from myself
The pages have no numbers
The chapters are scattered and unfinished
The themes are at once profound and trivial
Contradictions punctuate every paragraph,
Suggestive of a unity unbeknown
I read on............

Sifting through the abrupt continuities
The ideas are not logically arranged
Like an unsettling montage of chronicled impressions
Every person, experience, dream, and inspiration is somehow cataloged
The frenetic passages reveal a hybrid of socialized passions
The footnotes refer exclusively to the subconscious vault
Rich and full of both honor and disgrace, of noble infamy
Who authors this volume?

Moving like an unrelated series of misplaced transitions
I see a myriad of unfulfilled and forgotten plans
Transformed and disfigured, rising in chronological dissaray
I see the detours and distractions, the capsized emotions
I see, in revolting clarity, the power of luck and circumstance

Reading on, I note the amount of despair and frustration
Cutting across the script like an unplanned excursion
The affirming umbrage of a cerebral nonconformity
An inherent alienation, the glare of needs
Written from a perspective of which I was unaware
I see the shifting patterns of reason and emotion
Intermixed with an unobliging resistance to an erratic sense of purpose
As unreal as real, as if documented by an anonymous pen
Have I co-authored this volume, this life ?

In nostalgic sentience, I see in print, the blunders and mistakes
An exorbitance of expression, ignored and deleted by reticent circumstance
I behold, amidst the complex simplicities, a reclusive irrelevance
A haunting absence of auspicious convocation
Thrown against a smattering of regret
I see the difficulty in living a more well intentioned life
The lunacy and impertinence of every action and interaction
Everything is here, the forgotten moments, the piercing loneliness
The lies that were told that now explain the many incogruities

Yet between the lines there is a redeeming wealth of beneficent virtue
A zeal for understanding, a religious fire, a slice of utopia
I see my dominant influence, the many hours of deepest thought
The truth of a life lived for others, a quest for an Ideal realized
I see that from Music, I have experience more than can be measured
Turning the page, I see that what I foresaw has come to pass

Untitled, unplanned and out of sequence
The pages are not numbered; the chapters overlap in annoying disorder
The index reads like a who's who of orchestral imagination
My dignity is in the Future
The edition is but one of a larger context, a larger volume



Walking across green fields, a recent rain, the sunlight's angle
For miles endless, we walkin good spirits, our destination is perhaps...........

Another time, late twilight, a house in an unknown neighborhood,
Seen from two perspectives, a significance to the balcony
There is something I should know, this is my house, or was, a part of me is here

Teleported to another realm, a large green lake, unrippled like glass
I am swimming, not as a man, but as something else, another swims to my right
In the middle, I can see the distant shoreline, the eerie desolation is too real

Traveling on the highway, relaxed by the midday heat, gazing into the terrain
Onward though miles of indian territory, I fall into sleep unannounced
Before me, a figure, tiny, crouched and looking up at me, in her hands is.............
Startled, I awaken, as if she knew me; a witch, more real than.........

Outside at night, a star, more like an emerald, emitting a strange light
The sky has a color never seen, the people are unnerved, it begins to move

Denied to the conscious, with perceptions bent inward
Far away on a street I know, yet do not know, as if for hours I........
A name, Ree, to find this house, am ambiance, another time, in the past
I see the marketplace, the shops and swiss houses, a memory has led me here

Connecting to another plane, a glass house with several levels
I am inside, there he is, the one who knows, smaller and much younger
Behind me, he appears on a hallway above, tricking me, he smiles

Lost in the depths of REM, I hear the fresh, powerful chords
Forming a song, not of this time, following the structure, the rich complexity
Another adventure, I hear resounding, ethereal chimes, defying description
I see, in the open, enormous, magnificent, chalk white pillars and obelisks
Too bizarre and incoporeal to remember; having asked, is this........I wonder....

Rising from the vault, I see and hear the words before me, I focus
As if already composed, like inscriptions from nowhere, there is meaning
Flowing endlessly below, waiting to be tapped, I now know.........
   In somnolent convergence, where the two realms transverse
   Here the imaginary conversations go, to await interpretation
   Why the best is written at a distance from the lexicon
   As a conduit for the spirit of music, overseeing many scores
   I am the vehicle, the transaction into words, the lineage of forms
   Here the precious ideas seethe in perpetual production
Soaring in perfect flight above and down the river, through the night air
Blessed by the sensation of movement, an awareness creeps, I sustain flight
Slowly descending, noticing people along the right bank, closer to the water I fly
   Another flight, high over a timber hidden lake, a friend soars and curves
   with me. It is night, pure night, I can see the pier, we ascend and fall in total
   control. Aware of the dream, sustaining, jubilant and startled, I awaken........

Asking to regress, in the clearing, a dense forest line before me
I hear a resounding voice, Do not come any farther. There is an explosion
Suddenly, I am inside a gigantic hexagonal matrix, a honeycomb, charged with
electricity, with flashes of wild yellow and white light everywhere. Lightning.
I am levitating, asleep on a sofa, rising in total panic, I awaken ..................
Shaken and forever impacted by a visit to the other side..........


Emperor II

Leaving the eastern parsec
To follow the elliptic perihelion
Through an aural display of exhaling synthesthesia
Engaging the cadmium enclyclodome, I regain form

Here at my emeraldine desk
I log the findings of a planet in jurassic transition
Soon I will travel to a world similar
To compare this reptillian marvel; exhilaration is entered

Here in this masterful network of immaculate effectance
I have internalized the galactic precession of equinoxes
I have pollinated the third directive
I have canonized the frequencies of the transactional counterglow

Upon the wall, my valued collection of bats hang
To the right, relics of the ancient emotions
Behind me, the most elite chemicals adorn the foam partition
A tincture, an acumen, a wavelength in titration

Ascending the curved corridors
I hear through the quietude, the silver ensemble below
Passing through the sunshowers, my wings begin to dry
A transfer of sensations. Soon the Empress will arrive

Here in the rotunda, the of space is electrifying
Donning my spectacles, I see the ultraviolet oscillations
The etheric schemes, the threads in the comet's trail
Behind me, my celebrated entourage assembles
Daily we meet here to exchange ideas and impressions; scanning
I am called to below. I give you Jivanda, the ambassador

"Here in this palacial vivarium, in this marvel of phototonic architecture
There is both order and purpose, a unified ideal
This is our home, our refined co-consciousness with Nirvana
The emperor reflects and symbolizes the surrouding,  resplendent magnificence
By his symphonies, he was enthroned as culmination, as Empressario

In solitude, I prepare for the coming excursion
In this holy chamber, only the Emperor is permitted
Approaching the amber celestron, there is always a presence here
As I gaze into the quartzite theosphere, I hear the hum of the triple helix
The psychogyric edification, the emergence of the exponential directive

Scanning the ionized fibers, a choir of herbaceous voices is heard
The empress has arrived, to join me in a most interesting journey
Upon the screen, I appear, as ascendent and coefficient

I am the electrical preconscious of the grand design
The empyrean ratio of the motivation emeritus
As emperor, I have mapped the cycles and currents of reincarnation



Bereft of substance, of any self analysis
Arrogant, deceptive, predictable, odious
A scar appears on the golden rule
The intelligentsia retreats

What are you looking at?
You're too aware of what I have on
What is your standard, your criterion for judgement?
You noted world traveler, cultural expert
Connoisseur of many realities

What derivation of english is that?
What occupies your consciousness, your cranial vaccuum?
You stinking, pathetic, worthless scourge of civilization

Always here, burgeneoning by the laws of multiplication
Corrupt, corrupting as we speak
Aware of nothing, judging everything by only how it affects you
Fostering and feeding the general malaise of the world

I can sense your microscopic integrity
You conditional kindness only a pretentious layer of degenerate stealth
Your idiotic assertions propelled soley by a learned anger
Your notion of love totally dependent on an indulging jealousy

I see you, posturing your slimy, virulent important
Judge me? With what? To justify what?
Say it, say it again. You live to pronouce that one word. Responsibility.
Find another one, wear it out too

What are your interests? You nauseating mass of disorganized filth
What is your purpose? Your religion?
You consider yourself a what !!??

You stare to see if I am adoring , respecting, noticing you
With nothing inside to entertain, you search in order to ridicule
You symbolize a world of extreme spiritual depravity and ignorance
Destroying and distoring the remaining good
Creating a hell that never before existed

You see nothing, know nothing, question nothing
You easily refuel all righteous indignations
Your mind has not developed beyond that of a confused three year old
I am incapable of relating to your malicious, vulgar, depraved world
I bet you dance real well. Those are such etheric, elevating rhythms

You are the repulsive effect of three decades of mass media horror
Langoring in misconceptions and diabolical self importance
Evolvinig only one micrometer in over one hundred thousand years
You are homo opossitus, lost in th genetics of deception
Born into nothing, destined to glorify your own abominable existence



br> With one look, you stop the world
With one glance, the despair abates
In your presence, the world is good

With no facade and no pretensions
You reverse the incessant damnation
You, child of wonder, with one look
The world, my world is transformed

Banging against the avarice and deceit
Withering amidst the monotonous corruption
The world consumes and enervates
Convoluting all as it takes away piece by piece

But with one look, the pain disappears
In an instant, the world cannot compete
I see you, the inimitable innocence and charm
An honor and privilege just to know
In your presence, all is transformed
I am restored and blessed beyond measure
The world falls back as insignificant

Nothing in the familiar compares
Nothing equals you, you defy categorization
Free from strategy and societal contamination
LIke a light, a phenomenon totally unexpected
You radiate the mystique of the universe

In your presence, the world is good
With no capacity for hate, deceit, or greed
You, child of innocence, you stop time
You touch every fiber, all is somehow changed
With one smile, the horror abates, the boundaries dissolve
You possess a magic beyond description,
Beyond explanation. Do they see ?

With just one look, you stop the world cold
The drudgery and injustice is absolved
In your presence, my purpose returns
To witness such natural charisma, to know you
To see in your eyes the absolute harmony of the universe
With every power summoned, I bless your entire being

You, child of Warlock
Child of earth and sky
In you, I see and sense the elusive spirit
You are what was intended, the model for mankind
In your presence, there is another presence, I am reborn



Turning swiftly, with elegant precision
Apropos of a more coordinated world
Enhancing the molecular charisma of personal space

Rocking in the brine, a starstream of Sibilius
Soaring the tantric interiors, in kinetic duration
Piqued by a wave of colors, corelating to what the spindles say

Seen in the nimble control of the artisans's hands
Essential to the boyant composure of facility and cooperation
Liberating, by henna and harp, a carousel of sensual humor

Meriting more acclaim than previously assigned
From the speaker's timely pause to massuese's hypnotic rhythm
Falling into sustained exhilaration, to remember with ease

In concert with the hippocampal sensorium,
flowing in a cycle
Corresponding to the quality of pleasure, feeding the human bond
With dendrites alive, as designed
There is optimum cheer and recall

Threading perfectly, a pirouette in the dark
Ruminating in the olfactory amperage of the seagull's ascension
Assimilating in the lucid cadence of Rush, Rachmaninoff, Journey

Balanced , with a keener eye for truth and order
Revolving in the neural callesthetics of the jasmine ariette
Increasing formation and storage, to regulate, embellish and describe

Gracefully executing, producing a phatasm of spikes,
A pivot to the right, via channels and currents
To orchestrate the Incantations through the known motion of poetry
Moving with the leitmotif through the three stages of prophecy

Relaxed in the sequential dynamics of the guru's unique gravity
Bridging the abstractions, whirling into clairvoyance
With a million memories dependent, the cycle must complete

Living in the emotional adagio of twenty first century ethics
From the swimmer's tempo to the climber's fluid reach
Contained in the deft touch of the most magnetic persona

Waltzing in an ambidextrous flow of ideas
As an instrument of the collective temperance
Meshing without bumping, apropos of a more happy world


The Poet

The Poet

Who runs down rain plastered alleys in the midst of a cold winter's night?
Around endless corners, looking back over his shoulders,
Panting, innoculated with an an unremitting fear, 
Still he runs on.......
Who pursues this unknown fugitive? Who is this demonic apparition?
Always gaining, yet never to be seen by strained eyes of the cold rainy night?  
    The pursuer is of course Reality
    And the victim, the pursued is the Poet 

Reality acosted him early on and now he runs like a madman
For if Reality ever catches up, he will cease to create.....

Dearly he pays for his talent
His ship is too far out to sea. It can never return......
To touch land, to touch reality
If so, then the creative juices cease...........

A paradox of a man;  as if diffused into two entities
As a visitor from the outer edges, there he must stay a lifetime

     To be blessed and cursed with a Poet's mind
     For what creates his art must destroy the man
     The poet's mind is a dastardly thing

As the container, the projection of our best and worst 
He speaks alone, under the other voices
As the mercury of truth, hiding nothing from himself
He can wear no mask, his cards are always showing

The poet lives a wretched life 
He sees too far to be accepted
His window is despair and it drains him the night long

A scream in the idea is born
He awakens to sirens wailing in creativity's bosom
Crashing, idea finds its way
Through the barriers that keep most men in reality's grasp

Knowing no sane timetable, it erupts like a capricious geyser
The ideas and visions do not wait 
He is captive of his own sullen art 

The Poet is no social animal, he cannot mingle and mention
More rewarding are the conversations in his own head
More real than............he runs on.....

As an ornament to nothing and an anachronism to everything
He observes endlessly, his eyes and ears are his school
Inside are stored volumes of insight
He reels himself in as a philosopher
Observing and assimilating, he prospers not.......

Impeded by wisdom, he in constant view of his frailties
Yet cannot abnegate the sensations of alienation
His talent would then flee, his purpose would dissolve

As the natural man, he is music in human form
More in rhyme with the ancient's naked view of the universe
His mind is loose and free
It defies categories, as if connected to something more

The poet must be alone to create
Yet solitude brings on an exausting lonliness
His mind is a wretched thing, leaving him no real peace

Often times dark, ominous clouds roll in, 
Stagnant becomes the creative flow
For days, even weeks, everything is under the surface
Submerged forever? He wonders............
As is controlled by and uncontrollable force
He waits, dormant, with no identity........

But again, he creates, as the cycles of the aesthetic mandala roll 
He retreats deeper into his shell, 
Rejecting more than he is rejected,
He cannot conform to anything outside himself
The rules are for others, social protocols have no meaning

Inspired and doomed, the fates have spoken
The poet sees, he knows what's wrong
He does not divulge, like a deformed and injured swan
He cannot promenade with the others, he remains on the outside
At a distance, refueled to again compose

To be blessed and cursed, the poet's mind is not to be lauded
It should be hung on the city square for all to see and cheer

If you meet it, do not look, turn the other way
Do not seek to know such disturbance, let him be 
From this window, i can verify, the poet's mind is a dastardly thing 


Demagogues of the Western World

Waxen in another light, the phantom message passed. Denied a time to reanimate,
there were trappings in the offerings. Avoidance.  Refracting from the right, seizing
the momentum of a delinquent paradise, a rumor of decalescence. Apprized in the
trapezium, transversing all known convention, by howitzer and wurlitzer, a requiem
for demarcation.  Traveleing in the cool respite, with full moon to guide, the youngest
saw what was to come.  Sowing the seeds of its opposite, nurtured inside the lime
and yucca crystals, collusions in the subkarmic center.  During the blackout, the
imposters came, displacing contradiction, driving sanity into a tantrum of symbolism.
Crestfallen,  in derivsive circumspection,  as a sequence of angry energies, creating
an undercurrent of exclusion.  Descending among the meloncholia, to flourish in
a climate of romantic juxtaposition, in theatrical reconnoiter, advancing along
the lines of history's invective error with only one warning, ' don't say this ' . Led to
another point of departure, the shapes changed as introspection increased. We
ignored, safe in the the whispering confluence of a devonian sanctuary.

Looking into the fjord,  modulating away from a fleeting glory, another memory
of geodesia. Before the pangenesis, indifferent to Medussa, two green rings, the
elixer found the caravanseri. Selfless in its illusion,  a reinterpretation of Sissyphus,
diverting into three ghostly options.  Set into motion during the terantella, a
midsummer's eve turned ouija by intuition's reach,  always the other ritual.  To
never be born, to imagine the impossible, the axis shifted.  During the Vigil,
they came, pushing civility into a glare of antinomies, arousing the dormant
strains of a chamelon abnormality.  By assumption and appeal, they came in
different names, creating confusion, advancing in vehement waves of equivocating
cacaphony.  Endlessly they spoke,  an incessant barrage of rancid eloquence,
marring the primary and tainting the plexus.  Infiltrating in waves of psychotic
locutions,  to prosper in the heresy of a rounded earth, leaving a wake of
sequential disillusion, with only one instruction, ' don't remember this ' . Dreaming
through the unseemly prattle,  toward the scribbled beginnings of a future
desiderata, we listened instead to the voices within, secure in the gravando of
independent perspectives, placid in the promise of divine intervention.

Alone in the belfry, starboard to a surreal empathy, nestled along the edges of
the amber and ice.  Below, the lanterns proceeded through the fog, a refuge
in an unearthly pulizter.  Navigating through the trails of a quixotic geneology,
seiving through the corridors of an acausal chronology;  two eyes in the dark,
in five minutes,  five years will have passed.  During the insemination, they
came in reckless totality, creating blind spots along the psychic plane, spawning
a hegemony of elliopial madness.  In relentless assimilation, a decalogue
unbenounced, pushing truth into another set of premises,  wreaking an unforseen
havoc, driving temperance into ruination. By random osmosis, they came in
heathen throngs, an arrogant onslaught of rutheless pretensions, for one moment,
passing through us impressions, as a consortia of rancorous, deceptive forces,
with only one admonition, ' don't print this '.   Upon the marquee, the youngest's
vision appeared,  superimposed on the pyrite cryptonyms.  The weak force held,
our destiny was sure, to pass into rarefied hieroglyphics, to one day become
the vagabonds of the other world, safe in the prenatal arpeggios of the invisible city.



        Perceived, on the edge of the eternal city
        An obscure principle, in quadratic triangulation    
        Slowing time, trapping light, curving space
        Alive within the mnemonic ratios within the pyramid

Delving into the machinationsof the quintessential present
Known as an esoteric variable of the fibronicci sequence
Sensing a unified field, enter the iconoclast
Inferring through the spectral gravity of the binary ascendant    

        Traveling by estimation, into the amsterdam equation
        Along the ariel abcissa of the nutrino's path
        Moving through the crystal oracle into its astral counterpart
        Flickering in the vision of a new model of the universe

In balancing the self on ultimates
Futher into organic probability, extracting mythos from logos
Traced to the levitating amplitude of an italicized dimension

      From the exordium to the honorarium
      Germinating in the priestly cerebrations of the trained ear
      Living below, far from the spoilage above
      Redeemed in the divine valence of the translilneal literati

Emanating from the logarithmic spiral of tetrahedral genius
Conceived in the telespsychology of the tertium organum
In phase, the unknown moved, the overture became a syllabus
Signaling the constellations within the oratoria

     Seen from the future, transfixed in the dynamic equilibrium
     Surrounded by thunderous synethesia, in a tsunami of inspiration
     Saved by amazement, they evolved from what arose from within

Connecting by theorhetical impulse to a theocentric stardatum
Projecting via the spark of synchronized consciousness
Landing in the synergistic paradigm of tomorrows memory

     Emerging from the eddies of logical fascination, awaken the guardian
     Art chose to reflect its epic self,
    Suspended in an immortal perspective, for one chilling moment
     There she could see........that he had always been by his side

All rise,
  There is a path, a pinnacle, a fountainhead of truth brilliant
  Existing as an exponential quotient of the zentrifigal matriculum
  Unveiled by the power of music, where wonder and wisdom meet
  Acelerating into an ongoing synthesis of predicating sublimation

  Follow me through the barriers, into the designs of the prime mover
  Transposing from the self into the paradox of the paradox
  See in the revelations the insignia of extrapolation
  Know the unnamed momentum, the first and last thought
  The beacon illuminating , in eternal pursuit
  The one remaining mystery of the cathedral of Mind


How To Destroy America

First, take away the positive emotions
Initiate a wave of discontent and frustration
Disrupt and dismantle the foundation for all healthy emotion
Deny the populace of technology's best
Do not emphasize nutrition
See that they are surrounded by sights and sounds that directly
and indirectly cause a deep state of restless turmoil
Create a market for the worst; emphasize the clothes they wear
Deprive them of temperance and tranquil energies
See that they remain as maladjusted and unhappy as possible
Monitor these trends, observe the resulting spiritual confusion and malaise

Second, create within the populace a sweeping wave of stupidity
Deny all that is cerebral, suppress all symbols of intellect
By controlling media, flood them with repeating images of vulgar ignorance
Make intelligence an undesirable attribute, dull the imagination
Deluge them with more vulgar images of aggressive stupidity
Destroy reason by effectively promoting its antithesis
Manufacture a barrier between the masses and the remaining brilliance
Use the visual arts to saturate the masses with ignorance and stupidity,
With that which will insure an oblivion to the siege upon them

Third, cleverly pervert and erode the inner model of the self
Gradually take away the sense of higher purpose, confuse the inner voice
Replace the model with that which is more deceptive, ruthless, shallow
Deploy any and all means to destroys the individual's sense of hope
Of personal evolution, honesty, integrity, piety
See that the new inner model is as cunning as it is arrogant
Devalue the existence of Nature, of all that is natural
Create a society of troubled, maladjusted, de-humanized people

Fourth, take away all opportunity for spiritual fulfillment
Create a deep spiritual emptiness, combine with an everlasting confusion
By controlling media, flood the masses with repugnant, squalid images
Present these images in an alluring, adorable manner
Allow and encourage an ever present, vociferous array of evangelical madness
Seek and destroy all pathways to actual spiritual knowledge
In fostering the obliteration of self evident truth, as well as
a consuming, deleterious zeal for misconception,
You insure a populace of unprincipled, misguided, error-riddled people

Fifth, coerce the herd into an obsession with appearances
Watch it proliferate into an overwhelming concern with appearances in general
By controlling media, flood relentlessly with spiritually distorting, superficial images
Create a market for shallow, thoughtless indulgence and expression
Associate the obsession with appearance with respect and success
Negate all substance, instill a deep, unshakeable oblivion to essence
Make them as materialistic, as envious and unhappy as possible

Sixth, destroy any sense of unity; manipulate their sense of brotherhood
Take away the common bond, see that nothing aesthetic gains momentum
Create divisions between people, desensitize to injustice
Make them so burdened that anything beyond day to day survival is unthinkable
If it ever existed, destroy completely any relics of a time when
mankind began to communicate, to think, to feel better, to evolve
Keep them groping for an unnatural status, unaware of the person within
Slander any ideals of a better world, of self discovery
Destroy the glue, the core, the frayed, wilting fabric and fiber of America



Commensurate with the serpentine components
Levitating as another, in a hallway of mirrors
The indicators agree, this is the final conjuncture

I admit without endorsement, I adduce by inversion
Comfortable in the elaborate austerity of a private narada,
Indifferent to their aspersions, I await a reunion of fragments

I have no opinions, I dance without moving
I change when observed, I always pick the one on the edge
Suspended in the exorcism of an ambivalence too sincere
Measured against the generosity of an intelligence so grotesque
Their misperceptions increased, they could not follow the flow
My senses agree, this is definitely the wrong stage

Living on truth alone, as weak as strong
I have exhausted all that distance gives
Passed over by expectation, the questions changed
When told of their conclusion, I could not stop laughing

Invisibly aglow in a vacuum of apologies
I was the first to announce the real supremacy of music
I am the one who demanded that you go inside the sounds
Chosen to track the manifestations of the didactic emanations
To welcome the visitors into the Lyceum
To codify the final incarnations of ZenRaven.
Touched forever by the beauty of a wedding rain
The tribulation has passed, the transference has begun

From the mountaintop, the moments converged, significance whistled by
I saw the hidden promise in the selfless grandeur of twilight
The patterns cleared, taking only the best
To refine and expand, to send off into a guaranteed athanasia

Evolving in the psychic harmonics of the synoptic wellspring
I have seen the lotus opening behind the succession of epiphanies,
The aura of celcius in the seven shades of blue
I have deciphered the faint whispers of the inner oracle

I was born to initiate the stellar invocation
To one day survey the inhabitants of the celestial sphere
I am the conduit for the lexicons of the spirits
The radius of the prolepsis, disguised as the timid antithesis

Years ago, I paused to consult my subconscious
The directions multiplied, little did i know
Fascination became motivation,  the pause has never ended
I do not remember….... They wanted more.......
Had they known.............

Blessed be the musical, the humble, the unreceived
Blessed are the downtrodden, the displace, the misperceived

Blessed be the complexities, the enlightened, the oriental smile
The honest, the silent, the shunned,  the reviled
Blessed be the innocent, the thoughtful, the truth they hold supreme
Blessed be the neglected, the rejected, the ones who carry the dream



From up above, the unfolding completes
Below there is much blasphemy,
The wrong religion for the masses
There are too many combinations of bad emotion
From the azimuth, I sense the historian's dilemna
The counteractants are muffled,
Their sounds await a future day

Spreading the focus across the syntactic topology
Looking beneath the egocentric debacle,
the imperfections of the species
I see layers of wisdom and communication,
a network of swimming equations
Producing an artful montage of variance and similitude
I see, in surreal exactitude, a horde of examples
A knowledge of universals set in a plethora of specific generalities

Magnifying the subliminals, rotating the referential frame
I see the gestalten patterns, gleaming in their cubic lineage
A context created for the fusion of modalities
Bending the sensibilities, I see the aura of the perambulating reticulant
Reaching through the vissitudes into Valorium/Vicarium

Widening the scope, sweeping the ontological circumference
I can see the vespertine excurrents of a prophetic search
Looking through the prisimed parallax,
Into the excavation of perplexities
There are assertions of wonder and curiosity
Encased in symmetrical wavelengths of banding contradictions
Germinating in the haunted formula of the fretted catastatis

From this craft, I see the symbiotic particulars of a larger picture
An interlocking maze of grandiloquent connections, renaming a significance
Recalling the introduction, I see a message to reconsider
A mandate, in crypt, to investigate the paradox of a chosen destiny
To excite the parameters of the hexagonal subtext

Peering into the translucent aftermath, I see a plurality of dimensions
An expanding context bound in a mosaic of unified diversity
On second reading, I see a foundation built on variables
The chromatic tendencies of an inhabited spiral of oceanic affinities
Dignifying the return of the electric coda
Seeding the beginnings of an ancient future

Descending into the elite appendages of a conceptual magnificence
Lowering my sensors into the elegaic depths of the epic inscriptions
I see the violet possibilities in the geometric darkness
The apperceptions of an eclectic center of empirical intuition
The elucidation of an ever changing pastiche of interacting synchronicities

Moving through the spectral superlatives, connnecting to another awareness
In two places at once, to watch the angle of perspective move
There at the water's edge, the nocturnal harmonies of a choir of listeners

Before the sunrise, the chanting will begin
Unlocking the imaginative keys of the subconscious orchestra
Uniting forever, the ivory intervals with the metallic petals
Here, at the point of mysterium, to absorb the centripital perfection
To watch, with eyes closed, the emerging discovery of the higher self


Read the other three books by the same author
Book 4, Essayene